Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens : last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

its gone beyond a joke, the first 3 were great for their time, and now thanks to the last 4 crapfest's i cant really enjoy the first 3 like i use to. Dont know why, they have just stunk it up for me.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

I feel the same wayexcept the prequels could essentially be ignoredbut this movie ruins the originals. We know how they end up and it's pathetic. No happy ending like in Jedi.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Completely agree. This whole thing has become a joke imo

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

The first 3 were the Prequels, thats why they are called the Prequels. I think you meant to say that you hate the OT because those are included in the last 4 star wars movies.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

just meant the first three as they were released in chronological order. sorry i keep forgetting what order they are in now, kinda lost all interest in it all tbh, kinda makes me sad how its turned out.
Glad people are enjoying it though, dont let my opinion stink it up for you. I was one of those kids who saw it at the movies when they were released all those decades ago. Im probably a little too nostalgic to appreciate the new ones i guess.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

I don't get it. I hated all of the Planet of the Apes movies from 1971 to 2001, but they didn't affect the 1968 original. The first one is still one of my favorites, and isn't unwatchable just because of some crappy sequels.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

probably because there is no continuity in any of those movies except for the last couple, which i actually thought were pretty good.

they are either remakes or reboots, or whatever.

watching the original 3 SW kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth because the knowledge of the stinkers that preceded it are part of its canon, and now the new ones that are supposed to be after it.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

The new Apes movies, "Rise" and "Dawn" are wonderful.

There is continuity in the 1970's Apes movies, and they suck monkey balls. That knowledge has never tarnished my view of the original.

Just watch the Star Wars movies you love, and forget the rest.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

ill give it a couple of years after i have a couple of hundred more movies under my belt hopefully ill have a different perspective by then.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

I'd love to hear your perspective in 5 years, after the next generation virus of OMG I *beep* HATE TEH STARSWAR!

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

thanks everyone for having a nice discussion about it, i was expecting to get pooed on for making this thread

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Pooed on? On an IMDB forum?

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

"May the Force be with You, and may the Force be with New Republic of the Galaxy!"

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

oh you guys!!!!

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

I disagree, especially when watching the unaltered films. I can enjoy those in their own bubble, separate from all the other movies.

Using the word 'cuck' is equivalent to wearing Ed Hardy apparel in public.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

It is hard to do that. You have to actively put yourself in a bubble in your mind and ignore the PT and ST when watching the OT and all throughout the memory of those movies poke their heads in. This did not bother me as much for the PT I could still enjoy the OT without any issue, in fact having something bad to compare them with might have made them better for me. Because though the PT were bad films they did not really ruin the story as a whole. The details were questionable but the characters all ended up where they were supposed to and more or less behaved like their characters in the OT.

This is not the case with TFA, the story is all wrong and the established characters are mostly terrible or dead. They regressed so bad and the story as a whole did a reset. It really makes the entirety of the OT pointless, as literally nothing was accomplished. It makes it much harder to go back and watch the OT now.

got any advice for being able to watch the OT in their "own bubble"? I would like to know how you do that.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

this is exactly where i am at with watching the Original three thanks for wording it so well.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

It is hard to do that.
Not really.

got any advice for being able to watch the OT in their "own bubble"?
Mental discipline? Sorry, its not an issue for me so I don't know what to tell you.

Using the word 'cuck' is equivalent to wearing Ed Hardy apparel in public.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Mental discipline? Sorry, its not an issue for me so I don't know what to tell you.

I suppose it comes from my shortcoming of over analyzing and focusing on the flaws of a thing. I can't help but tear things apart when they are not perfect and nothing is perfect. I get complemented often on being 'intelligent' but I do not think that is the case. Obsessive would be more accurate. It also makes it difficult for me to enjoy things because even if I like them at first eventually I analyze them till I hate them. I told one person that complemented me that it was not fitting, I am not that smart. I am obsessive and articulate, which gives a false appearance of intelligence. If i was smarter I would be able to control my critical mind.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Yet you used "complemented" wrong. Should be "complimented."

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Articulation does not necessarily mean that I can spell correctly. I know what words to use and which are better for a given sentence and for making myself or my point clear, that does not mean I spell them correctly. I mostly depend on spell check for my corrections, sometimes spell check fails too. When speaking this usually works better because I do not have to spell the words I speak. My sister use to joke with me in debating asking me to spell the word I used knowing full well I would fail. I always thought is was a douche thing to do. In writing it is much harder to get away with it, especially since I do not take the time to proofread when on stupid discussion boards. I do not think you all are worth the time to check my spelling and grammar for mistakes.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

True, you aren't smart (or articulate for that matter).

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Ah, he truly should take that as a medal of honor coming from such a sad little man; still harassing women online while pretending to be female, Punky?
de gustibus non est disputandum

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

This user is hiding because he is an spineless coward: cyberpunk-girl

de gustibus non est disputandum

User ignored


Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

got any advice for being able to watch the OT in their "own bubble"? I would like to know how you do that.

George Lucas has already provided the answer to this.

So the unaltered OT was canon (obviously) until 1997. Then George made the Special Editions and declared them to be official canon. Then he made the prequels which were canon to the Special Editions. From George's own mouth the unaltered trilogy, now not even available for legal viewing/purchase, is NOT canon with post '97 Star Wars. Disney (thus far) supports this viewpoint.

So the original '77-'83 trilogy stands alone (with its particular pre-'97 EU being optional ie the Zahn trilogy etc etc). Everything since '97 is an 'alternate' SW universe.

TFA is optional canon-wise because, despite Disney's official stance, Abrams insists that "Han shot first' which means he's personally honouring the unaltered trilogy over the Special Editions. But like I said this is not the official Disney position which, depending on the fan, renders Abrams personal views 'unofficial'.

This is probably the nerdiest thing I've ever written, but in pure canon terms it is completely valid.

The original unaltered trilogy stands alone. No Midichlorians.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Allow me to refer you to my signature. It applies to any work of fiction.

To put it in other words, we are free to pick and choose what we accept or count. That is the right of any reasoning audience member. We can even make up our own stuff too, so long as we don't make any money off it.

"Official canon" doesn't matter when it's all fiction anyway.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

Take a break from Star Wars altogether, that's my advice.

Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

This advice needs to be heeded by many people. If a large number of people stop going to see Star Wars they will have to either stop making them altogether or go back to making movies that blend artistry with good story telling instead of corporate marketed big movies. As long as these movies remain profitable they will keep milking it until nothing is left.

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Re: last 4 make the first 3 unwatchable now

I think TFA makes the prequels unwatchable, and they were barely watchable to begin with.

People have such a huge problem with the similarities between TFA and ANH, but I think it works so well. The movies are supposed to "rhyme". Even 1 rhymed with 4 as much as 7 rhymes with 4.
