Why do some reviewers refer to this great love/adventure movie as "sci-fi?"

It's nothing to do with science fiction, in my opinion.


According to Wiki, army ants do not eat "large vertebrates" as they do in the film (,



I've never heard anyone classify this as science fiction.

Good movie, but not great, or one I want to see all that often.

We are the makers of music and we are the dreamers of dreams.


A 1954 film I like very much, set in Brazil but filmed in Florida and Panama, with a very Hestonian Heston and a beautiful and gorgeous Eleanor Parker, but by no means a "sci-fi" movie, no matter what that crazy reviewer says.

Methinks he read "ants" and thought of another 1954 film, Them!, which IS a sci-fi movie, of course.

Different ants, though


It's more of a nature run amok story.


George Pal produced the naked jungle following SF spectacles when worlds collide, war of the worlds.

It's 'revenge of nature' motif sometimes comes up in Horror movie talk..but SF, not really.


Also Houdini in 1953, which wasn't a sci-fi film either.


yes, it is.


IDK maybe they think the ants behaving like that is SF. A weird cause of it should have been shown. Now, The Incredible Shrinking Man, THAT is Sci-fi.



I think it must be the Pal connection. The Naked Jungle is a terrific movie, one of Heston's best of the 50s, but definitely not science fiction. Probably this is a description from the same people who consider The Crimson Pirate sci-fi.


Yup, it's the George Pal connection in large part, though no less an authority than the late Bill Warren in his landmark study of 50s sci-fi Keep Watching The Skies! classed The Naked Jungle as sci-fi, and if Bill Warren says The Naked Jungle is sci-fi I'll go along with that .

More seriously: the genre classification business can be tricky. Sometimes a movie belongs in a particular genre due as much to its approach to the material as to its subject matter. I mean, the 1939 Tower Of London is a horror, right? It's got, among other things, the credentials.

The Naked Jungle treats the ant attack as if it were an alien invasion, and the film is incredibly suspenseful from the moment William Conrad's district commissioner refers to the ants as "marabunta" (a word director Byron Haskin said he made up because it sounded scary).

The ants may as well have fallen to earth from outer space. The way they attack, nearer to horror than sci-fi as to genre, to me feels more sci-fi due to the fact that such ants do exist even as this isn't quite how they behave. Arguably the movie is borderline, but overall I'd say that if it has a genre, it's sci-fi.


THE NAKED JUNGLE has been included in several sci-fi books and mags over the years but to me its just a wonderful adventure/love story.

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

What is important is not the genre as such, that's mere pigeonholing for mentally lazy people who need a basic guide, what really matters is reality. IMDb considers this film as "Adventure, Drama, Thriller". Why not "Romance" as well? Why not "Horror"? But certainly not "Sci-Fi".

The Marabunta is as natural (from nature) a phenomenon as an earthquake, a volcanic eruption or a tsunami, all of them infinitely more lethal, and killing more people, than army ants in Amazonia.

Because, according to this peculiar 'conceptualism', films like Jaws or even Moby Dick could be "Sci.Fi" films as well.

The Naked Jungle treats the ant attack as if it were an alien invasion

"A giant great white shark arrives on the shores of a New England beach resort and wreaks havoc with bloody attacks on swimmers, until a part-time sheriff teams up with a marine biologist and an old seafarer to hunt the monster down."

Why not treat this "as if it were" an alien monster from outer space? And voilà, we have another science-fiction movie for the list

An army of ants in Brasil in 1954 or an army of dervishes in Sudan in 1885 or 1898. I wonder what Gordon (Heston again ) or Kitchener would have preferred, but both were non-Sci-Fi phenomena, entomological or religious, but certainly non-Sci-Fi.

and the film is incredibly suspenseful from the moment William Conrad's district commissioner refers to the ants as "marabunta" (a word director Byron Haskin said he made up because it sounded scary

The word "marabunta" existed long before Byron Haskin.

Au Brésil, le mot Marabunta (voir articles Marabunta et Formiga-correição sur Wikipédia en portugais) désigne une fourmi bien particulière : Cheliomyrmex andicola, de la sous-famille des Ecitoninae, qui vit principalement sous la terre dans les selvas tropicais (jungles tropicales) d'Amérique. Elle est de couleur rougeâtre et de taille moyenne. Ses mandibules sont de grands crochets dentelés qui lui permettent de s'accrocher à ses proies. Sa piqûre est extrêmement douloureuse, irritante et paralysante, la douleur ressemble à celle provoquée par les « fourmis de feu ». Elle consomme la chair des vertébrés comme lézards, serpents et oiseaux, et d'animaux bien plus gros, et même de l'homme.

Au Brésil, la migration dévastatrice des fourmis carnivores s'appelle non pas marabunta mais taoca ou tanoca. Dans la famille des Formicidae américaines, ce comportement est commun à plusieurs sous-familles, comme les Ponerinae, les Leptanilloïdinae, les Leptanillinae, et les Ecitoninae (dont fait partie Cheliomyrmex andicola, la fourmi-marabunta). Leur invasion est identique à celle décrite plus haut, hormis l'observation que des oiseaux suivent la taoca, pour capturer les insectes et les petits animaux qui cherchent à fuir l'invasion de la formiga-correiçào

La marabunta est-elle bruyante ? Un film américain (The Naked Jungle, de Byron Haskin, 1954) dans lequel Charlton Heston joue le rôle d'un planteur qui devra ouvrir un barrage pour noyer une marabunta, a vu son titre traduit en espagnol par Cuando ruge la marabunta (« quand la marabunta rugit »). C'est sans doute ce titre espagnol qui a inspiré aux circuits de distribution cinématographique français le titre Quand la marabunta gronde, certainement attirant, mais qui ne reflète pas la réalité. Armand Reclus ne parle que d'un bruissement : « toutes les bestioles s'empressent de détaler ; on entend de tous côtés, à travers les feuilles mortes, le bruissement de ces fugitifs qui s'éloignent en grande hâte de cette phalange hérissée de mandibules ». Quant à Dana Lamb, il dit que leur couple a été alarmé par le silence subit qui régnait dans la jungle, et que c'est en partant alors en reconnaissance autour du camp qu'il a découvert les éclaireurs de la marabunta : il était pieds nus (!), il a marché sur une grande fourmi-soldat et a ressenti au pied comme une brûlure au fer rouge Par contre Dana Lamb souligne l'odeur (forte et même nauséabonde), qui accompagne la vague de fourmis, et pense qu'il s'agit d'une substance chimique qui permet au groupe d'assurer sa cohésion Quant à la taille de la marabunta, qui génère ses capacités de déplacement et de nuisance, elle varie avec les facteurs écologiques locaux. Il n'est pas exclu qu'une énorme marabunta puisse entraîner une fuite des hommes, et l'abandon d'un village, comme dans le film The Naked Jungle. CepenAu Brésil, le mot Marabunta (voir articles Marabunta et Formiga-correição sur Wikipédia en portugais) désigne une fourmi bien particulière : Cheliomyrmex andicola, de la sous-famille des Ecitoninae, qui vit principalement sous la terre dans les selvas tropicais (jungles tropicales) d'Amérique. Elle est de couleur rougeâtre et de taille moyenne. Ses mandibules sont de grands crochets dentelés qui lui permettent de s'accrocher à ses proies. Sa piqûre est extrêmement douloureuse, irritante et paralysante, la douleur ressemble à celle provoquée par les « fourmis de feu ». Elle consomme la chair des vertébrés comme lézards, serpents et oiseaux, et d'animaux bien plus gros, et même de l'homme.

Au Brésil, la migration dévastatrice des fourmis carnivores s'appelle non pas marabunta mais taoca ou tanoca. Dans la famille des Formicidae américaines, ce comportement est commun à plusieurs sous-familles, comme les Ponerinae, les Leptanilloïdinae, les Leptanillinae, et les Ecitoninae (dont fait partie Cheliomyrmex andicola, la fourmi-marabunta). Leur invasion est identique à celle décrite plus haut, hormis l'observation que des oiseaux suivent la taoca, pour capturer les insectes et les petits animaux qui cherchent à fuir l'invasion de la formiga-correiçào

La marabunta est-elle bruyante ? Un film américain (The Naked Jungle, de Byron Haskin, 1954) dans lequel Charlton Heston joue le rôle d'un planteur qui devra ouvrir un barrage pour noyer une marabunta, a vu son titre traduit en espagnol par Cuando ruge la marabunta (« quand la marabunta rugit »). C'est sans doute ce titre espagnol qui a inspiré aux circuits de distribution cinématographique français le titre Quand la marabunta gronde, certainement attirant, mais qui ne reflète pas la réalité. Armand Reclus ne parle que d'un bruissement : « toutes les bestioles s'empressent de détaler ; on entend de tous côtés, à travers les feuilles mortes, le bruissement de ces fugitifs qui s'éloignent en grande hâte de cette phalange hérissée de mandibules ». Quant à Dana Lamb, il dit que leur couple a été alarmé par le silence subit qui régnait dans la jungle, et que c'est en partant alors en reconnaissance autour du camp qu'il a découvert les éclaireurs de la marabunta : il était pieds nus (!), il a marché sur une grande fourmi-soldat et a ressenti au pied comme une brûlure au fer rouge Par contre Dana Lamb souligne l'odeur (forte et même nauséabonde), qui accompagne la vague de fourmis, et pense qu'il s'agit d'une substance chimique qui permet au groupe d'assurer sa cohésion Quant à la taille de la marabunta, qui génère ses capacités de déplacement et de nuisance, elle varie avec les facteurs écologiques locaux. Il n'est pas exclu qu'une énorme marabunta puisse entraîner une fuite des hommes, et l'abandon d'un village, comme dans le film The Naked Jungle. Cependant l'effet bénéfique de la marabunta a été souligné par A. Reclus : toutes les autres « plaies » tropicales non microscopiques disparaissent, momentanément.

And the marabunta can be even beneficial sometimes: " Cependant l'effet bénéfique de la marabunta a été souligné par A. Reclus : toutes les autres « plaies » tropicales non microscopiques disparaissent, momentanément."

Finally, the mere fact that George Pal produced Science-fiction films in the 1950s (and Houdini in 1953?) and Byron Haskin directed them as well (and His Majesty O'Keefe in 1954?) doesn't seem serious and "scientific enough" (as the King of Siam would have said ) to consider The Naked Jungle a science fiction movie..

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

In Brazil, the word Marabunta (see articles Marabunta and Formiga-correição on Wikipedia in Portuguese) indicates a very special ant: Cheliomyrmex andicola, of the subfamily Ecitoninae, which lives mainly under the land in the tropical jungles (tropical jungles) Of America. It is reddish in color and medium in size. Its mandibles are large serrated hooks that allow it to cling to its prey. Its sting is extremely painful, irritating and paralyzing, the pain resembles that caused by "fire ants". It consumes the flesh of vertebrates like lizards, snakes and birds, and of animals much larger, and even of man.

In Brazil, the devastating migration of carnivorous ants is called not marabunta but taoca or tanoca. In the American Formicidae family, this behavior is common to several subfamilies, such as Ponerinae, Leptanilloïdinae, Leptanillinae, and Ecitoninae (including Cheliomyrmex andicola, the ant-marabunta). Their invasion is identical to that described above, apart from the observation that birds follow the taoca, to catch insects and small animals that seek to escape the invasion of formiga-correiçào

Is the marabunta noisy? An American film (The Naked Jungle, by Byron Haskin, 1954) in which Charlton Heston plays the role of a planter who must open a dam to drown a marabunta, saw his title translated into Spanish by Cuando rugged the marabunta The marabunta roared "). It is undoubtedly this Spanish title that inspired the French film distribution channels the title Quand la marabunta gronde, certainly attractive, but which does not reflect the reality. Armand Reclus speaks only of a rustle: "all the beasts are eager to scatter; We hear on all sides, through the dead leaves, the rustling of these fugitives, who move away in great haste from this phalanx bristling with mandibles. " As for Dana Lamb, he said that their couple had been alarmed by the sudden silence in the jungle, and that it was when they went to reconnoiter around the camp that he discovered the scouts of the marabunta. Naked (!), He walked on a large ant-soldier and felt at the foot like a burning of the red-hot Dana Lamb emphasizes the smell (strong and even nauseating), which accompanies the wave of ants, and thinks It is a chemical substance that allows the group to ensure its cohesion As for the size of the marabunta, which generates its capacity for displacement and nuisance, it varies with local ecological factors. It is not excluded that an enormous marabunta can lead to a flight of men, and the abandonment of a village, as in the film The Naked Jungle. Cepen In Brazil, the word Marabunta (see articles Marabunta and Formiga-correição on Wikipedia in Portuguese) designates a very special ant: Cheliomyrmex andicola, of the subfamily Ecitoninae, which lives mainly under the land in the tropical jungles (tropical jungles) Of America. It is reddish in color and medium in size. Its mandibles are large serrated hooks that allow it to cling to its prey. Its sting is extremely painful, irritating and paralyzing, the pain resembles that caused by "fire ants". It consumes the flesh of vertebrates like lizards, snakes and birds, and of animals much larger, and even of man.

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

A poor translation into English.

saw his title translated into Spanish by Cuando rugged the marabunta

Nope. "Cuando ruge la marabunta".

By the way, I took a look and the Italian title is remarkable: Furia bianca (White Fury), and so is the USA working title: Bushmaster

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

BUSHMASTER is the title Heston liked best. WHITE FURY is a lot better than THE NAKED JUNGLE.

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

I suspect that 'The NAKED Jungle' was chosen as a sort of catchword to suggest subliminally that Eleanor Parker could be seen naked and so attract a part of the audience :-)

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

I find it ironic that, for someone who hated Heston so much, Spielberg extracted so many elements from Heston movies for the Indiana Jones series. We all know that SECRET OF THE INCAS was studied beforehand and then many things borrowed for the first two Indy sagas, and lo and behold the scene when the ants devour the peasant watchman in THE NAKED JUNGLE cropped up in CRYSTAL SKULLS. Even one scene from THE AWAKENING was totally copied, Heston standing in the horizon with the red sky of Egypt, which turned up a year later in RAIDERS. Spielberg's favourite childhood movie was the Heston circus epic, and Spielberg has referenced that in two movies.

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

I know what you say about 'Secret of the Incas' and 'The Naked Jungle', but I didn't know that Spielberg "hated" Heston. Did he? Why?

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta


The reason Spielberg disliked Heston so much is because Chuck snubbed SS when he was a spotty little teenager on a movie set. Spielberg visited Heston on location, asked him loads of questions which Heston replied to, but after a while Spielberg hounding him got on Heston's nerves, so Chuck gave him the cold shoulder. Years later SS got his revenge, and took great delight in snubbing Heston for the lead in JAWS.

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta


I didn't have the slightest idea about all this. Thank you for the information, very juicy.



Years later, Heston "outed" Spielberg as having "one of the biggest gun collections in California" in his autobiography.

Getting back to THE NAKED JUNGLE . are we all agreed that it doesn't qualify in any way as Sci-Fi?



Revenge is a dish tasteful people prefer to take cold.

Getting back to THE NAKED JUNGLE . are we all agreed that it doesn't qualify in any way as Sci-Fi?

I'm not sure. Ask Telegonus


My head is spinning on this one, Aloysius . The what belongs in/what doesn't belong in any particular genre question is one I am apparently not qualified to answer, which is fine by me.

Fortunately, I don't lose sleep over it.


Meltdown coming in 3, 2, 1


My "I'm not sure. Ask Telegonus " was ironical, almost a figure of speech

Fortunately, I don't lose sleep over it.

Great!! That makes two of us, Telegonus!!


Good to hear, Aloyius. The meltdown thing was puzzling.

Re: A troll and a baiter who became a stalker as well

This guy, whose real identity is not clear (ask amyghost and others) tried to soft-soap me, replying to most of my posts and playing a silly, intellectually inane, game until I got tired and stopped him. When I came across one of his posts saying that Vanessa Redgrave is a Nazi, I confronted him and since then he has been insulting me, reporting me (or saying that he had or would, for reporting is a double-edged sword). He never apologised for that, in fact he goes on and on (Redgrave is one of his many obsessions, along with Islam. Trump &c), and If I even mention the VR story he starts wih his "reprisals". His whole posting history was deleted last year (I know more about him than he thinks, if he keeps like this one of these days he's going to have a real surprise and once more he will have looked for it) as a punishment, and he had to invent an incredible story about his posting quota, and "self-deletion", etc, etc, and he created another account.

Now he is stalking me. He usually posts on FG (I took a look). A troll, a baiter and now a stalker as well, someone to avoid as much as possible. Hence my "Warning" when I saw his post here (which he didn't even send to me, but was clearly referring to me with his "meltdown" idée fixe), for he can try to sabotage this thread using me as an excuse. I extend this warning to the OP.

Do you understand now why I periodically take "sabbatical" holidays from IMDb? (the last one lasted for nine moths). I take them whenever I am fed up with this pathetic phenomenon. In my real life it takes me only a few minutes, even seconds, to dismiss freakish people like these (or I would call the police or even resort to violence if they don't go). I don't see why I should have to suffer them indefinitely on an Internet forum or message board. The Ignore List and reporting are not, alas, a real solution, unless, perhaps, if you decide to live in a bubble or in a personal ghetto, or if you have a very good friend in Seattle

Re: A troll and a baiter who became a stalker as well

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. You are the troll, the baiter and the stalker. I never delete my posts for the sake some nutjob accuses me of something I clearly haven't done. Anyone is free to follow the continuation of these exchanges and will find out this guy keeps baiting, baiting and baiting and expects not to get a mental asskicking for it.

Telegonus, as well as others, know my posting style and with as many flaws as you can think it is more stable, mellow and principled than you could ever dream of keeping. You are about to have another meltdown. I continue to be exactly the same I've always been on these boards, you present a clear and present annoyance to anyone who attemps to keep it civil with you, knowing one "wrong" word may trigger a shatstorm.

Those reading may consider this a public service announcement. And as for the "freakish people" in your real life, I have a hunch they are just minding their own business until you jump from behind a tree claiming they looked at you strange, or that they are "stalking" you (probably moved into the same street for the sole purpose of bothering you). I've said this before, stop calling me out and I will just ignore you. Those big bad administrators are pondering on giving you another "sabbathical".

Re: Re of Respect


1) So I was right and my warning was correct: you just want to sabotage this thread with your OT crap.

2) You make a parody of everything and you aren't even original, just a copycat, as in other things: it was I who told you the Luke 6:45 verse, because of the abundance of your heart and your obsessions (Vanessa Redgrave, anti-Semitism, islam, Donald Trump, etc, etc.)

3) You attacked and offended even snsurone, who was your sole "friend" here (can you name any other? I haven't seen them) and forced her to REACT (Newton's Third Law of Motion again). You remind me of the scorpion of Aesop's fable:
Yes, it's your nature and you can't help it, can you? You are one of the worst persons I have met on an Internet forum or message board, and I have come across quite a few, unfortunately. I find you not only intellectually boring, but disgusting and utterly repulsive.

4) If you had the "right" to say that Vanessa Redgrave is a "Nazi", I have the "right" to tell this whenever I want to whoever I want. I mentioned it this time because there was a thread on Redgrave's 80th birthday, and by the way, you had the cheek to go there to insult her again And you speak of the "abundance of the heart" when yours is full of hate.

5) You have a serious problem with me, boy: I am much stronger than you are, intellectually, culturally, morally and even physically (unless you are like Steven Seagal or Chuck Norris, which I doubt). You can't bully me or outwit me, so you are just wasting your timeand mineand are making a fool of yourself, as usual.

6) You stalked me and came to this thread just to deposit your tiny excrements and spoil it (your "nature" again). I never stalked you or anyone else, I just take a look sometimes at some posters' posting history to know their whereabouts, if I know them, or their preferences, if I don't. That's NOT stalking. Stalking would be to choose one of your posts (on Film General, for example), go there and post something on that thread to attack or disparage you and force you to reply and sabotage the thread, that is, exactly you have you have done here. But that has NEVER happened and will NEVER happen, among other reasons because I would respect the OP and the other posters of that thread. RESPECT. Romeo-Echo-Sierra-Papa-Echo-Charlie-Tango. Do you even know that word and what it means?

Respect. 4. Noun. Deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment:
respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.

No, it's obvious that you DO NOT.

7) Your "psychoanalysis" of my person is so inaccurate, cheap, ridiculous and preposterous that does not deserve a comment.

8) Say whatever you want to say: your whole posting history was deleted last year when the IMDb admins got tired of your continuous violations of the Boards Rules and Conditions

3. Enforcement

IMDb may investigate any reported violation of its policies or complaints and take any appropriate action that it deems appropriate. Such action may include, but is not limited to, issuing warnings, suspension or termination of service, and/or removal of posted Content. IMDb reserves the right and has absolute discretion, to remove, screen or edit any Content that violates these provisions or is otherwise objectionable. IMDb also reserves the right to report any activity that it suspects violates any law or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties

and/or you were systematically reported.


Telegonus, as well as others, know my posting style and with as many flaws as you can think it is more stable, mellow and principled than you could ever dream of keeping

You keep trying to cajole other people (Hobnob53, etc; now Telegonus) into siding with you. Before I stopped and confronted you, you did that with me as well, trying to cajole me into siding with you against Amyghost, Jefferson Cody, etc, REMEMBER? By the way, before you make a further use of his name, let me tell you that I have nothing but esteem and sincere admiration for Telegonus, and I have said this a few times here, referring to his deep insight and his knowledgeability. In questions of American cinema, he is a master and I keep learming from him. It's like reading an article in Sight & Sound or Cahiers du cinéma. As a matter of fact, when on 29 February 2016 and again on 31 December I almost "self-deleted" (as you say) my account, the reasons why at the end I did not were a few CFB posters, and Telegonus was one of them. This doesn' t mean that sometimes we can't have disagreements or even frictions and piques, of course, but that happens even between professors of Oxford or La Sorbonne who are also very good friends. So, you see, your attempts at opposing posters in your personal benefit have backfired. Boy, you think that you are as smart as the talented Mr Ripley and "the others" are a bunch of stupids, but you are WRONG.


I've said this before, stop calling me out and I will just ignore you

If I wanted to "call you out" I would start a call-out thread about you (some posters do) and in case you haven't noticed it yet, some of the threads I start are pretty "successful" (even 200 replies, including my own, for unlike other people I like to be courteousin fact, it's my nature, just like yours is to sting the frog and I give some feefback to almost all those who bother to reply). But being able to do it, I don't and do you know why? Because of the word above: RESPECT. Respect for the CLASSIC Film Board and for my fellow posters. So stop saying that I "call you out", you liar. Apologise to Vanessa Redgrave, her daughter, her son, the OP of that thread (Marshamae) and the posters who where offended by your gratuitousand FALSEinsult and I will never mention it again. Same thing for your real "identity": I don't give a fig.


Those big bad administrators are pondering on giving you another "sabbathical".

You are so childish and ridiculous even when you try to be funny (by the way, how old are you?) And know something? If the "big bad administrators" did that they would actually do me a favour, because I wouldn't come across people like you again.

12) Tomorrow I will have to take a "sabbatical" day, for writing this post has been exhausting. I won't even preview it.


PS. The emoji:

henrey's a big sh!t.

came to this thread just to deposit your tiny excrements

I laughed so much at that line Aloysius. It is so true that henrey leaves drops of poo wherever he posts and the sooner he invests in a jumbo-sized pack of adult diapers the better for all of us.

Leaving fecal metaphors far behind, going back on topic, and referencing one of your posts further down the thread. Eleanor Parker - one of the wealthiest people in Hollywood today, was breathtakingly beautiful in her prime. Some of the scenes she shares with Heston in THE NAKED JUNGLE are incredibly sexy. Sizzling stuff, dripping with erotic undertones, and oozing sensuality. Heston and Parker certainly heat up the screen in this one.

I re-watched DETECTIVE STORY recently, and was once again absolutely staggered by her beauty. Of course, she plays an extremely vulnerable and fragile character here, so no love scenes in this gripping film.

Two films in which Ms Parker stars I haven't seen are HOME FROM THE HILL (1960) and CAGED (1950). Talk about "most wanted", how I ache to watch these two movies.

Re: henrey's a big sh!t.

Parker is one of the few actresses to sizzle opposite Heston, for sure. My library has a DVD of HOME FROM THE HILL so I think I'd better grab it for a second look - good movie.

"He was a poet, a scholar and a mighty warrior."

Re: And a teen

Jefferson, only a teen (or someone with the mental age of a teen) would write

Get a hobby, get a life and if you can't, take your medicines.

I've seen hundreds of teens writing exactly that, those same words. It's a stereotyped phrase, a cliché. For more details, see my reply to him, below (or above, I don't know!)


Yes, going back on topic, I entirely agree with your comments about Eleanor Parker.

Sizzling stuff, dripping with erotic undertones, and oozing sensuality

Very well described!!

Eleanor Parker in 'The Naked Jungle' was one of the erotic dreams of my childhood, but even now, when I watch the film again, she turns me on.

I saw 'Home from the Hill', but so far as I can remembe, there EP was just a Texan frustrated wife and a mother. I missed 'Caged', but sounds exciting, I would like to watch that one.

In Escape From Fort Bravo (a favourite of mine because of William Holden, Eleanor Parker the Anscocolor and the injuns and their tactics!) she is extremely beautiful, a real southern belle.

But the Gold Medal is for Joanna Leiningen in THE NAKED JUNGLE, no doubt.

Joanna Leiningen: Everything I say seems to make things worse. I'm trying not to irritate you.

Christopher Leiningen: I've noticed that. I find it irritating.

Isn't it deliciously Hestonian?

Re: Eleanor Parker

I think you'll like Caged (1950), Aloysius. It was the first of her three Oscar nominations. But it is a pretty depressing movie (an innocent tossed in a brutal woman's prison). Great supporting performance by the Amazonian actress Hope Emerson, also Oscar-nominated.

You're right, in Home From the Hill EP was the middle-aged (at 38!) wife of Bob Mitchum; she was attractive but not especially sexy. She had begun moving into such roles a few years before, with Lizzie and then A Hole in the Head, although in the so-so An American Dream (1966) she had an ostensibly nude scene and in any case looked very fetching indeed.

I also think she looked best/sexiest in The Naked Jungle. That scene where Heston spreads bug repellant on her bare shoulders is pretty damned erotic. The film is also enjoyable for some of their post-prandial double-entendres:

"If you knew anything about music, you would know a piano is best when it's been played. This is not a very good piano!"

But I have to say her ball gown in Escape From Fort Bravo did the Old West more than justice. She also looked pretty good in the jeans she wore during the titular escape.

Scaramouche is another where she is positively breathtaking. I think she looked best circa age 30.

Re: Eleanor Parker

'Caged': Susan Hayward as real-life Barbara Graham in 'I Want to Live' comes to mind (but I hope Parker has a better end!)

But no, of course, Mr Leiningen was too tough for that (a self-made man) and had to fight the Martians!! (sorry, I mean the militarised Ants :-)

Re: And a teen

there EP was just a Texan frustrated wife and a mother.

That sounds like it will work for me. Besides, I'll watch just about anything with Bob Mitchum in.

You can count me as a fan of Escape From Fort Bravo too. For all the reasons you mention - the scene with arrows was superbly staged and amazingly vivid and effective.

"deliciously Hestonian" indeed, nicely put Aloysius. I think Heston gives his finest performance in the wonderful melancholy western WILL PENNY. I should have aimed this last part at OldAussie, but what the hell I'll say it here. I also like Chuck in RUBY GENTRY. I think it's a terrific flick. He and Jennifer Jones have some nicely heated scenes in this intoxicatingly torrid and tragic tale of a doomed and damned love. Good stuff.

But let me stop here before I mention how strong I think he is in TOUCH OF EVIL, and THE OMEGA MAN - which I am inordinately fond of (but not as fond as I am of Peckinpah's flawed, sprawling, fascinating MAJOR DUNDEE. Check a somewhat sleazy Chuck out - alongwith the likes Lizabeth Scott, in the 1950 noir DARK CITY if you haven't already.

Re: And a teen


Good to read that somebody recognizes how amazing RUBY GENTRY is. It usually gets the tar kicked out of it by critics. It's a modern day version of DUEL IN THE SUN.

Re: And a teen

I didn't forget your post, Jefferson, I'll reply to it later on, now I have to leave for a while. Real life is terrible, as you know!

Re: Charlton Heston and Eleanor Parker

"Real life" stuff was much shorter than I thought. Fortunately.

there EP was just a Texan frustrated wife and a mother.

Just for the record: I didn't mean to disparage Texans, Eleanor Parker or her character, Hannah Hunnicutt. I just wanted to stres the sharp difference between the EP of 'The Naked Jungle' and this one. In my opinion, Minnelli's film is worth watching. and if you like Mitchum (so do I) you'll enjoy him and his dogs!!

Those Indian archers (I don't recall the tribe; Apaches?) could have given a good performance in Henry V!!

A superb Heston in 'Will Penny', no doubt.

I barely remember 'Ruby Gentry': maybe I didn't see it!!

I LOVE (Lima-Oscar-Victor-Echo) Heston as Neville in The Omega Man (red for blood)

I don't like 'Touch of Evil' but Heston is good, in spite of the make-up to make him look "Mexican"

It's a pity that 'Major Dundee' was edited and abridged so much. I like very much the 'Imperial Mexico' movies (Dundee, Vera Cruz, Juarez-1939 &c)

Nope, I don't think I saw 'Dark City'. Decades watching films non-stop and I still have gaps!

Re: Charlton Heston and Eleanor Parker


I can't believe you don't like TOUCH OF EVIL . I honestly think that its a noir masterpiece easily Welles' best movie (I can't stand CITIZEN KANE, btw!)

Re: Autist, manic, paranoid, doosh, projecting

These are some of the other words someone might call you. Just now you have popped/pooped over several other threads, claiming your version of the original Fraulein Fishface thread (cause and effect, who said why and first) and twice almost begging someone to disrupt my discussions, and begging Telegonus to believe you. And you can't let that political baiting of yours go either, and you bring up my name whenever you engage in it. Get a hobby, get a life and if you can't, take your medicines. Don't blame any of it on me. You should just let it be.

Re: Autist, manic, paranoid, doosh, projecting


Have you actually got an opinion on THE NAKED JUNGLE . which is what this forum is about?

Re: Autist, manic, paranoid, doosh, projecting

Not sure I've seen it (have seen Valley of The Kings). The early 50s color films, the prints/versions shown on TCM etc., have that unappealing dirty look, something that is not so in the black and white films of the era. That is a bummer knowing they probably looked pretty great as intended originally, and only the bigger classics get a proper cleaning treatment for home viewers.


I absolutely love VALLEY OF THE KINGS, I only wish Heston had played the Robert Taylor role.
THE NAKED JUNGLE is worth buying, its a quality adventure movie, the ant attack is really great.

Re: Autist, manic, paranoid, doosh, projecting

Look boy, you have given yourself as what you in fact are, a TEEN, so many times that I lost count. Your writing style, your totally unnecessary use of coarse three- and four-letter words just to look "tough", your radical judgements, your insults, etc, etc are typical of immature teens or even of some adults with the mental age of a teen.

Get a hobby, get a life and if you can't, take your medicines.

This is typical of teens, I've seen it hundred of times on teens' posts on Internet fora and message boards, especially when they are having one of their childish disputes, but also when they are addressing adults, trying to look like tough and matter-of-fact adults. It's a stereotyped phrase, a cliché, very rarely used by a serious adult. So, for the nth time you have been unmasked, Enriquito.


What is "doosh"? Finnish slang ? Or just the way ignorant and uneducated teens like you have of spelling "douche"? (douche bag, etc)

"A word looked on up urban dictionary by those who can't spell douche properly."

" The blatant & incorrect spelling of the word douche.
Sohou looks like such a doosh."

"After trying to sneak his way back to the message board under an assumed identity, everyone called the poser a doosh."

And again you gave yourself away. Anyway, you haven't read much, have you? I mean besides comics and IMDb posts.

"Autist"? Good Lord, I don't even drive!!

"Projecting," in what sense? In case you refer to psychological projection, I'm very interested in that, I even wrote a paper on it when I was in University. I can't send it to you, but the Wiki article will do:

Read it carefullyif you canbecause that's exactly what you keep doing here on the IMDb Message Boards.

"Paranoid"? You know a lot about that, as you keep accussing me of calling you out, as if I did it systematicaly, when in fact I am not, as everyone knows by simply taking a look at my posting history.


Nigel Calder's The Manic Sun is one of the most interesting books I have read. I read it in 2006. over ten years ago. How old were you then, Enriquito? Seven? Eight?

I don't have anything against teens, on the contrary, many of them are extremely sensitive and intellligent and I know a few, especially here, on the message boards. I wish I were a teenager again! What I don't like is teens like you, for the reasons I explained above.

By the way, does mom (or dad) know what you are doing with their computer? Or do you go to your local milk bar?


I won't change the subject line because it's unconsciously autobiographical, it's like if you were describing yourself. Psychological projection again.

Do you know Hermann Rorschach? (no, he's not a Nazi).

This is a test. What do see here?

A. Vanessa Redgrave


C. An anti-Semite

And here?

A. Vanessa Redgrave

B. IMDb posters calling you out

C. A projection of yourself on other people

Have a good day, Enriquito.


WARNING. I see we have a STALKER/troll/baiter from FG obsessed with "meltdowns" around. He is not interested in 'The Naked Jungle' or genres or anything else, he just wants to bait as much as he can. Watch out!!


PS. I am not neutral or objective: if I have to choose between John Charles Carter and Steven Allan Spielberg, I choose the former without the slightest doubt. Not because I dislike Spielberg, just because I like Heston very much. As an actor, as a narrator (I like his voice and his English diction) and as a human being (honestly, I couldn't care less about the NRA problem).

Have you read his autobiography, The Actor's Life: Journals 1956-1976? I really enjoyed it when I read it, and I learned lots of interesting things about many of my favourite films.

Genre Mix

What can I say? Bunny Haskin lied. He was a great storyteller, though apparently not an alwsays truthful one.

Aloysius: We can run this one around the block till the cows come home. Moby Dick is a serious work of literature, neither horror nor sci-fi. As with the various retellings of the Faust story not making it a horror I don't think it qualifies any more than the witches in Macbeth make it a horror play.

The classification of The Naked Jungle as sci-fi, on Bill Warren's part and my own is a matter of style and context. As a product of its time it gives off vibes of being in that genre, as the more fantastic ant film from 1954 Them! is, and that one's story is told in the style of a police procedural in its early scenes.

There's a lot of genre mix where horror, sci-fi and fantasy is concerned. There are many critics and historians who regard the 1931 Frankenstein as early sci-fi more than horror, and a good case can be made for that. Same for the grisly Island Of Lost Souls, from the following year, and that was more of a sci-fi tale adapted from an H.G. Wells novel, however like Frankenstein it was made as a horror movie, features horror tropes.

But I see no reason to get argumentative over this. Cases can be made for all kinds of things, and where films are concerned I think good cases can be made for Psycho and Repulsion being more psychological thrillers, studies of disturbed psyches than horrors, as neither features a true monster or anything fantastic. I regard both films as borderline so far as their being horror is concerned.

As to Jaws, twenty years earlier it would likely have been filmed in much the same manner as sci-fi flicks of the era, with Bruce maybe emblematic of the Soviet Union, with more emphasis on the police or even military involvement to drive the point home; and the three lead players would be almost surely be more prosaic, with someone more like Richard Carlson as Brody, the other two parts filled by actors with lesser reputations than Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss.

Re: No-win situations

Telegonus: first of all, my reference to 'Moby Dick' was totally ironical, I thought you would notice it since you seem to like irony so much

Genres are mixed, of course, and I don't pay the slightest attention to them, just as I don't like pigeonholing and I don't practise ratings (stars, "7/10" and that kind of thing), neither on my personal IMDb page or "profile"nor anywhere else, including my real life.

But I see no reason to get argumentative over this.

I didn't "get argumentative" over this, and if I did, I didn't intend to. What about you? Are you arguing? I just expressed an opinion and provided some links. Besides, I don't usually care about "winning" or "losing" an argument or debate, since this is subjective, relative and useless. A chimera, a delusion. Most arguments end up in a no win situation, and this, after having lostor rather wasted a lot of precious time and energy.

A Pyrrhic "victory" is to me as bad or even worse than a "defeat". Even more expensive. I recently had this experience, once more, with our good friend Farne on his 'The List of Adrian Messenger' thread, a film I don't give a fig about. I just proposed a draw and left, and I think he was glad as well. I usually apply Sun Tzu tactics in this kind of thing and, ultimately, I don't care, for this is just an Internet message board, not the University of Paris in the 13th century and posts are very ephemeral (four or five months before they "die" their natural death). It's not worthwhile, really.

We can run this one around the block till the cows come home.

No, thanks! Not even metaphorically or ironically!!

Re: THE NAKED JUNGLE and the marabunta

an army of dervishes in Sudan in 1885 or 1898

As I recall an episode of the Time Tunnel had our intrepid scientists land in 1880s Sudan and be confronted by aliens. So sci-fi and history interweave.

"He was a poet, a scholar and a mighty warrior."