Politics : Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
You told me Trump was Hitler. Why hasn't he killed the Jews yet?
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Desperate troll tries to change the subject.
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Answer the post, why hasn't Trump killed any Jews if he is Hitler?
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
OP pretending to have been right all along. Deleted his last account out of embarrassment..
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
^^^Still thinks I'm someone I'm not. You really miss that guy, don'tcha?
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Hitler didn't initiate the Final Solution immediately after he came to power.
Why hasn't he killed the Jews yet?
Come back with that question in 7-8 years instead. For now, try to concentrate on the subject at hand.
"He's about as much use as a marzipan dildo.
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
That's just soooooooooo cute!
Benedict Donald
Did you pick that up at 5th grade recess today?
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
CLASSIC! A guy who posts this:
is calling someone else childish. You literally can't make this sh!t up!
Re: Trump ok's one state solution.
image for user kinch_telemachus
by kinch_telemachus » 24 minutes ago (Wed Feb 15 2017 12:52:45) Flag | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2015
Ya fcking coward.I'm calling you a fcking coward, ya fcking coward.
Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy
is calling someone else childish. You literally can't make this sh!t up!
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Are you actually trying to say that you are not a pussy?
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Weren't you complaining that he speaks too much the other day?
Make up your mind!!!!
Make up your mind!!!!
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Link it.
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Vlad instructed fat little Donnie to keep his stupid mouth shut for once.
Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Trump was Hitler a couple of weeks ago, now he is Neville Chamberlin.
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Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence
Russian warplanes buzz a US ship. Trump says nothing.
Russia stations a spy ship off the coast of the USA. Trump says nothing.
Huh. It's too bad no one warned us that Trump was Putin's puppet during the campaign.