Politics : How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

No it proves that we were right and sincere. If we'd had a crystal ball maybe we'd have acted differently but one of the reasons we were so ill-prepared in the early days of WW2 is that so many of our best troops were peace-keeping in Palestine.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

You're still hassling Jews, though, just as you did in the later years of the Palestine Mandate and all the decades since then.

It doesn't make you right. It makes you scared of their worst enemies here.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"No it proves that we were right and sincere."

If the British had been "sincere", they would not have broken their promises (the Balfour Declaration) nor would they have violated the terms of the League of Nations Mandate.

"If we'd had a crystal ball maybe we'd have acted differently"

In other words, if you had realized how many innocent people would be murdered as a result of you breaking your promises, you might have considered keeping your promises . . .

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

No, we were trying to do the best by everyone, NOT taking one side against the other, surely that is so obvious?

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

No, we were trying to do the best by everyone, NOT taking one side against the other, surely that is so obvious?
You did the best for yourselves by submitting to the Arabs.

So you stopped Jewish immigration while the Nazis were already being horrifying to Jews and YOU ALLOWED ARABS TO FLOOD INTO THE PALESTINE MANDATE SO THAT THEY WOULD BE SURE TO OUTNUMBER JEWS.

Most people think the Arabs were just THERE already but there were massive Arab immigration periods during those decades because the Jews created jobs while building a nation.

There were so many Arab immigrants that the UN's initial definition of "Arab refugee" from the 1948 war required the Arabs to have been in the Holy Land for at least two years to qualify for aid.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

You punished Jews for Arab anger and violence - I don't see how you can possibly believe that this was trying to be fair to both sides.

You still do this in the 21st Century, too.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"No, we were trying to do the best by everyone, NOT taking one side against the other, surely that is so obvious?"

Except that your actions (specifically the White Paper) cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jews only, not Arabs.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"that's why we must have a 2 state solution so neither side is the minority."

When Israel withdrew from Gaza, the result was not peace but the opposite. The Palestinians turned Gaza into a Hamas-ruled rocket base. Israelis know full well that the same thing would happen on the West Bank if Israel withdrew from there today. Before there can be a 2-state solution, there needs to be a drastic change in the culture of the Palestinians.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes absolutely.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

If you agree that the Palestinians need to change, then you need to stop pushing for a two state solution until that happens.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Lying antisemitic bastard, how many zionists have been killed outside remnants of the the Gaza Strip? Fewer than have died inside conducting pogroms.

Since 2000, 9,126 Palestinians (inc 1,523 children) have been murdered by zionist terrorists and an unknown number have died of wounds and injuries. about 1,200 zionists have been killed in return.

The zionist antisemites are the aggressors and American Caesar has allowed these terrorists to turn Palestine into a sick parody of the Generalgouvernment. How disgusting.

Marlon, Claudia & Dimby the cats 1989-2010. Clio the cat, July 1997 - 1 May 2016.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"Lying antisemitic bastard"

You are the one who wants to destroy the Jewish state and who praises groups like Hamas which espouse Nazi-style anti-Semitism.

"Since 2000, 9,126 Palestinians (inc 1,523 children) have been murdered by zionist terrorists and an unknown number have died of wounds and injuries. about 1,200 zionists have been killed in return."

As usual, you make clear that you think only Palestinians are murdered in that conflict, while "Zionists" are only "killed", not murdered. To you, killing a "Zionist" is no more a form of murder than is killing a cockroach. Dehumanizing people. How fascist of you.

"The zionist anti-Semites"

Repeating a lie over and over again does not make it true. Far from being "anti-Semites", Zionists saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men, women, and children in the 1930s, and have given hope to millions more since then.

"allowed these terrorists to turn Palestine into a sick parody of the Generalgouvernment."

At least on this one you are correct. The Hamas terrorists have a charter than could have come right from the pages of Mein Kampf.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

There is no Jewish state in occupied Palestine, only a zionist antisemite terrorist colony. The Hasmas party won the only democratic election ever held in the Middle East and the zionist antisemites immediately began another pogrom. It's a great pity that someone like you gets a hard-on over such bestial crimes against humanity.

Marlon, Claudia & Dimby the cats 1989-2010. Clio the cat, July 1997 - 1 May 2016.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"There is no Jewish state in occupied Palestine, only a zionist antisemite terrorist colony."

You only have a few days left to spread your lies here, so enjoy them while you can.

The "Zionist anti-Semite terrorist colony", as you call it, saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men, women, and children in the 1930s, by providing a haven. You, no doubt, would have preferred for them to stay in Europe and become gas chamber fodder.

The very fact that you hate Israel so viciously shows that Israel is a wonderful country. You exemplify what the writer Ayn Rand called "hatred of the good for being the good". She once told U.S. soldiers (and you no doubt hate them too):

"You are attacked, not for any errors or flaws, but for your virtues. You are denounced, not for any weaknesses, but for your strength and your competence. You are penalized for being the protectors of the United States. On a lower level of the same issue, a similar kind of campaign is conducted against the police force. Those who seek to destroy this country, seek to disarm it intellectually and physically. But it is not a mere political issue; politics is not the cause, but the last consequence of philosophical ideas. It is not a communist conspiracy, though some communists may be involved as maggots cashing in on a disaster they had no power to originate. The motive of the destroyers is not love for communism, but hatred for America. Why hatred? Because America is the living refutation of a Kantian universe."

"Today's mawkish concern with and compassion for the feeble, the flawed, the suffering, the guilty, is a cover for the profoundly Kantian hatred of the innocent, the strong, the able, the successful, the virtuous, the confident, the happy. A philosophy out to destroy man's mind is necessarily a philosophy of hatred for man, for man's life, and for every human value. Hatred of the good for being the good, is the hallmark of the twentieth century. THIS is the enemy you are facing."

"The Hasmas party won the only democratic election ever held in the Middle East"

Another lie. Israel has had democratic elections for decades. And you still refuse to condemn Hamas for its Nazi-style anti-Semitism. Leftists like you are hypocrites. You call the people you hate fascists and bigots, but when you see REAL fascism and REAL bigotry, you cannot bring yourself to condemn it.

"zionist antisemites immediately began another pogrom."

The Hamas fascists repeatedly launched rockets at Israeli towns. Israel finally getting fed up and fighting back is not "a pogrom".

"It's a great pity that someone like you gets a hard-on over such bestial crimes against humanity."

Sorry, but destroying rocket launchers in Gaza, so the people of Sderot can breathe easier, is not a "crime against humanity".

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes, that's why we must have a 2 state solution so neither side is the minority.
Don't you have minorities in Britain? Why don't you promote them to co-majorities with the British people?

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Because we're no longer killing one another? Everyone IS equal

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Because we're no longer killing one another? Everyone IS equal
Yes, and you're well on your way to becoming a caliphate.

Or don't you listen to what your newer equal people say about Britain?

They've been saying for over ten years that Britain needs to be an Islamic State.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Islam is not even 5% of our population, I think the people of Baltimore are okay.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

If the newer equal people in Britain want an Islamic state instead of Britain, then they don't see themselves as so equal.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

They do but the minority of Islamic fundamentalists don't want equality.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

They do but the minority of Islamic fundamentalists don't want equality.
No, they want Britain.

Welcome to our world in Israel.

The PLO/Fatah/Palestinian Authority, Hamas, PFLP, Islamic Jihad, etc. - they want Israel.

You're telling us to compromise. Why don't you hand over half of London to the "minority of Islamic Fundamentalists" and see if it makes them happy?

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Even if you don't think that the "minority of Islamic fundamentalists" deserve getting any part of London, do you think it would bring peace in Britain if you offered it to them?

(I"m talking about if things ever - God forbid - get really, really, really bad in Britain.)

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

The problem with Britain is that you're trying to take down a democratic country but I think Britain is about to change.

You need the U.S. right now because of the Brexit thing, and Trump is gung-ho to change the UN (and he can do it, if anyone can).

So I think Britain will go along and stop hassling Israel.


Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Ideally the citizens of the apartheid police state known as Israel

Israel is NOT an apartheid state. Such a statement demonstrates either ignorance or dishonesty. In case it's ignorance, please listen to the views of a black South African who has lived under apartheid and disputes this false claim.


Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Israel's critics always compare Israel to SA because no one buys the Nazi comparison. It's absurd, of course.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Israel's critics always compare Israel to SA because no one buys the Nazi comparison. It's absurd, of course.
The comparison to SA is absurd, too, and it's very much an insult to the blacks of South Africa who actually experienced apartheid.

What "critics" do is decide 'We can't really call you a [k-word], so we'll call you a dirty stinking Jew instead. This puts us on the high road.'

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

With two words: snow cones

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

1. Cut all aid to Israel until they agree to a two state solution and recognise Palestine as an independent country.

It's not aid and Israel's formal policy is alrady in favor of a two state sulotion

Cut all aid to the Palestinians until they recognise Israel and introduce a truly democratic regime.

There is no scenerio where a future paletinian state will be democratic. not in a 2 state sulotion and not if all the Israelis will just vanish and give complete control to the Palestinian

Divide Jerusalem in the same way as Berlin was separated during the Cold War with an international police force to patrol it.

Yes, lets divide the holiest city for the Jews and give half of it to a bunch of people who have absoulatly no claim to it whatsoever.

Sponsor the democratic forces from the West Bank to retake Gaza from Hamas and have Jordan return its' territory.

I lol'd when I read democratic forces from the west bank. While were at it let's ask Harry potter and santa clouse to fix the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The PA controlling the West bank is only slightly less fascist than Hamas.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

1. It is aid http://ifamericaknew.org/stat/usaid.html not to mention the economic influence the US could wield via sanctions. The 2 nation solution may officially be Israel's policy but that's hardly borne out by their building new settlements.

2. Yes, Arab democracy is an elusive chimera but we live in hope.

3. Holiest city of the Jews AND Christians and one of the Holiest of Islam. And we ALL must share it, you never have peace if just one side gets everything it wants. This year is the 100th anniversary of General Allenby's liberation of Jerusalem from the Turks, for the glory of the British empire and giving Christendom a hell of an early Christmas present.

4. Of course Fatah are barely better than Hamas but we can do business with them, think the Iraqi army retaking territory from ISIS.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Holiest city of the Jews AND Christians and one of the Holiest of Islam. And we ALL must share it, you never have peace if just one side gets everything it wants. This year is the 100th anniversary of General Allenby's liberation of Jerusalem from the Turks, for the glory of the British empire and giving Christendom a hell of an early Christmas present.
It's illegal for Jews and Christians to pray on the Temple Mount.

Did you know that?

If they even think you're praying, Jews and Christians are arrested for it.

Even if you're just saying the blessing before drinking water.

Arrested and hauled off the Temple Mount.

Jews and Christians do not have equal rights on the Temple Mount - not at all.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

And under this plan, they would.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

And under this plan, they would.
Which plan?

They would never agree to let Jews or Christians pray on the Temple Mount in a million years under your plan.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Worth a go, isn't it? With all they'd gain in return?

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

No, it's not worth a go.

The Palestinians are going to lose.

If they lose now, then a lot of deaths will be prevented.

If they lose later, a lot of people will die unnecessarily.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

No, they are never just going to 'go away' no matter how much you would like them to, we're talking peace, not genocide.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

The terror gangs can be kicked out - they really can.

They can be defeated.

This is war and they are the war.

Obama bombed ISIS without apologies - these Pal terror groups are terrorists, too.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

1.Ifamericaknew is an antisemitic conspiracy site no better and even worse than Infowars and Electronic Intifida. The fact that you mention it shows how nothing you say should be taken seriously. It is a long and complicated issue but to summerise the money given to Israel by the US eventually comes back to the US. Israel is only allowed to spend the money buying US products or US approved products which helps the US economy.

2. I wasnt talking about Arab democracy. dont clump all Arabs together. Thats racist. It is the Palestinian who are incapable of sustaining a democracy.

3. Christians and Muslims are more than welcomed to prey in Jeruslem under Israeli rule. This wont be the case if Jerusalem was controlled by the Palestinians. You have "explained" why Muslims should have claims of parts of Jerusalem. my question was what claim to Palestinians specificly have on Jerusalem? I am going to spoil the answer: they have none.

4. If Israel would withdrew from the West Bank Hamas will take control of the West bank just like they did in Gaza. Right now Hamas has a much bigger support than Fatah in the west bank and even if they didnt Hamas would have no problem taking control of it. The only 2 things stopping Hamas from taking control is the fact that Fatah wont allow an election to happen and the Israeli presnce in the West bank.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

1. Believe me not an anti-Semite, great sympathy for Israel but any source you use will confirm us aid to Israel is massive and the US influence over Israel's economy is immense. Only question is would they ever be prepared to use it?

2. Well the rest of the Arab world isn't too great either, Palestinian democracy would have to be something to be nurtured very gently.

3. Jerusalem WOULDN'T be controlled by the Palestinians, everyone would share, the Palestinians have an equal right, all the way back to Hagar and Ishmael

4. Yes but with all the benefits this would give the Palestinians, who wouldn't choose this deal over eternal war with Hamas?

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes but with all the benefits this would give the Palestinians, who wouldn't choose this deal over eternal war with Hamas?
Hamas executed 50 Palestinians in Gaza who asked them to stop the war in 2014.

Hamas kills Palestinians without hesitation.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes, which is why they could be persuaded to overthrow them.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"Yes, which is why they could be persuaded to overthrow them." [Hamas]

Not likely. Not while the Palestinians have a dominant culture of hate and death.

The Palestinian Authority is shooting itself in the foot. They contribute to the Palestinian culture of death, by honoring murderers, by denying the legitimacy of the right of Israelis to self-determination, and by spreading hatred. And then they are surprised when the Palestinians vote for Hamas, which has a reputation for being more pure in its militarism and murderousness.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

You're right, Mars - the Palestinians would probably elect Hamas again if the PA dared to have another election.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes, it will require a fundamental shift in Palestinian culture but if we can cure the Germans and Japanese and overthrow Communism.?

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

You're a troll, right? That or you prove further your idiocy and ignorance in general, not in Middle East issues only.

"I don't understand why they can't just ban nidii Just so annoying" - Grey-Phantom

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

"Yes, it will require a fundamental shift in Palestinian culture but if we can cure the Germans and Japanese and overthrow Communism.?"

The trouble is that nobody is doing what needs to be done. The UN almost never condemns the Palestinians for their terrorism or their culture of hate. Neither are the leftists nor the Third World nor the Europeans. People think that just by condemning Israel the conflict will magically be resolved.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes, which is why they could be persuaded to overthrow them.
Hillary encouraged Syrians to overthrow Assad.

There are now 500,000 dead people in Syria with millions of fleeing refugees.

The Palestinian civilians can't just overthrow people who shoot those who disagree with them.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Yes but we would back the Palestinian moderates rather than leaving them hanging in the wind like the Syrian rebels.

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Palestinian moderates can't exist until the terror gangs are gone.

This has to come first.

Formerly Rippling_River - Bio Link: Adina_IMDb-March-2006

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Are you producing endless stupid ideas on the fly, trying to see if we get bored of your ignorance and idiocy?

Who the fck is going to persuade the palis to overthrow Hamas, you? They are the ones that elected it and give them full support. What other idiotic ideas do you have?

"I don't understand why they can't just ban nidii Just so annoying" - Grey-Phantom

Re: How would you solve the Israeli/Palestinian issue?

Not writing off any chance of peace and trying to come up with a solution to war without end? If we can offer the Palestinians an alternative who's to say we couldn't lure them away from the nihilism of the Islmo-fascists.