Politics : Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Russia launches a missile in violation of a treaty. Trump says nothing.

Russian warplanes buzz a US ship. Trump says nothing.

Russia stations a spy ship off the coast of the USA. Trump says nothing.

Huh. It's too bad no one warned us that Trump was Putin's puppet during the campaign.

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

You told me Trump was Hitler. Why hasn't he killed the Jews yet?

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Desperate troll tries to change the subject.

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Answer the post, why hasn't Trump killed any Jews if he is Hitler?

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

OP pretending to have been right all along. Deleted his last account out of embarrassment..

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

^^^Still thinks I'm someone I'm not. You really miss that guy, don'tcha?

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Why hasn't he killed the Jews yet?
Hitler didn't initiate the Final Solution immediately after he came to power.

Come back with that question in 7-8 years instead. For now, try to concentrate on the subject at hand.

"He's about as much use as a marzipan dildo.

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Benedict Donald
That's just soooooooooo cute!

Did you pick that up at 5th grade recess today?

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

CLASSIC! A guy who posts this:

Re: Trump ok's one state solution.
image for user kinch_telemachus
by kinch_telemachus » 24 minutes ago (Wed Feb 15 2017 12:52:45) Flag | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2015
Ya fcking coward.I'm calling you a fcking coward, ya fcking coward.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy

is calling someone else childish. You literally can't make this sh!t up!

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence


Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Are you actually trying to say that you are not a pussy?

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Weren't you complaining that he speaks too much the other day?

Make up your mind!!!!

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Link it.

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Vlad instructed fat little Donnie to keep his stupid mouth shut for once.

Re: Benedict Donald's Stunning Silence

Trump was Hitler a couple of weeks ago, now he is Neville Chamberlin.

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