Politics : So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

I'm descended from Aztec gods and goddesses.

Keep Islam out of the West

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

I guess you're good at giving hand jobs to those Aztec priests.


Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

If you're on my ignore list, you must be an ignorant loser. : O )
Go read a book and think! : O )

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

Bet it came up dumb ass racist redneck Trump supporter.

Lawrence of Arbia, he was an English guy who came to fight the Turkish

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

Good, now tear out the Liberals hearts with your bare hand and sacrifice them to the gods.

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

I found out I really am a cat.


Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

I highly doubt it.

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

Congratulations, Heeyyy7.

I haven't sent away for mine yet, but after looking in the mirror I am confident that I am descended from Norse gods and goddesses.

"I hear no voice. The dead cannot speak."

OT: Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

I'm one-fourth Hungarian.

Now I'm hungry for goulash. Thanks.

Tabby S.

I'll let you bite my d!ck with you Aztec teeth, self-hating Mexican LMAO

If you're on my ignore list, you must be an ignorant loser. : O )
Go read a book and think! : O )

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….


"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

I'm 1/8 native American, and 7/8 European-American mutt. You can see the Indian in my brother and sister, but I'm white as a whale's belly. I found out too late I could have been a senator from Massachusetts.

My only ancestral claim to fame is a great-something uncle who was a sergeant in a Civil War Indiana cavalry regiment who was captured not once but twice by Gen. Bedford Forrest.

Feministas praising Sharia law are like Jews praising Nazism.

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

Here's the only Aztecs left:

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

If you're on my ignore list, you must be an ignorant loser. : O )
Go read a book and think! : O )

Re: So I got my Ancestry DNA results in….

And I'm descended from the Azkeks.