Politics : Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GOP

Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GOP

What a calvalcade of horror, an absolutely cringe worthy clusterfück of FAIL.

Trump laid his madness bare in front of a room full of reporters and was made an absolute fool of, especially by an NBC reporter who called him to the carpet about his egregious lies about his Electoral College Victory. Trump seems to have a "small man between the legs" complex where he needs to have the absolute largest victory in order to compensate for other small things.

Reporters now have carte blanche to call him and absolute liar thanks for his many prevarications and estrangement from the truth. The Republican Party should be ashamed of what they have at the helm of their leadership. This is truly the beginning of the end and we're not even 100 days in. He LIED about General Flynn, repeatedly. Impeachment is a lurking possibility. We're not even 100 days in. As a Dem, I want more of these pressers! Please! The man who label Hillary Clinton crooked is showing himself to be as straight as a Figure 8.

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

none of this matters to his supporters. they only care about his immigration policies, as long as he delivers on that they're golden.

And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

have a look at the foreign press:

All das macht Trump eher zu einem Zwerg als zu einem Schreckensfürsten. Diese Angriffe sind halb so wild. Wir werden sie überleben, Mr. President.
Trump is more a dwarf than a Darth Vader. We will survive These tiny attacks. We will survive You, Mr. President

Besorgniserregend war bei diesem Auftritt eine andere Erkenntnis: Trump lebt offenbar in einer Parallelwelt, deren Grenzzäune zur Wirklichkeit deutlich höher scheinen als jene Mauer, die er gegen Mexiko plant.
What really is worrying is the finding: Trump does live in a parallel world, the border fences between it and reality seem to be higher than the wall he plans at the Mexican border.

Trump kann in den nächsten Jahren gefährlich werden, ja. Aber im Moment muss er eher aufpassen, nicht vollends zur Lachnummer zu werden.
Yes, Trump m i g h t get dangerous the next years, but at the moment he has to hinder himself in getting world's laughingstock.

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

but at the moment he has to hinder himself in getting world's laughingstock.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." -Mahatma Gandhi, Nicholas Klein, etc.


"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." Judge Judy
Keep free speech and free thought alive!

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

There are two possibilities

1) Trump is not intelligent

2) Trump is intelligent and uses the thomas theorem

If men define situations as real,
they are real in their consequences

as a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy

The problem with that is:

Given the incredible bad media (and education) situation in the USA
You may find a critical mass of simple minds who will react
to these messages from Trumps fake world.


just forget about having influence on foreign countries,
just forget it!

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

Was this the one with the Israeli PM?

I saw the highlights of that and it was cringeworthy bad. What an embarrassing Pres USA has!

"I'll hit you with so many rights you'll be begging for a left."

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

He's going to be impeached no question about it, and their are republicans working on it right now! Trump is such an idiot that he lets people go in and out, he handles conversations in front of whoever is around and just assumes it is no big deal. He's clueless! The investigations have been ongoing nonstop from all intelligence agencies working together. Their's going to be plenty of books and movies on this. The Trumpists are clueless since everything to them is fake news so they only watch Alex Jones and Fox which I hope gets screwed for treason themselves but probably won't. Their is a ton of verified info now thanks partly to Trump and his stupidity of not knowing how to keep paperwork in a folder, doing business in front of everyone, allowing guests to listen to sensitive information conversations.

Trumpists are missing out on a ton of info because they are sick in the head. NPD is frustrating nightmare to be order. People here get annoyed by them, imagine how their family and friends feel! Any friend only stand them in small doses.

How did Trump Know what to tell dummies? Cambridge Analytics and the Mercers which came over with Kellyanne. Thanks to facebook and all the people who love to fill out all those quizes and "what kind of lover am I" and everything FB can provide for BIG DATA! Trump had it all set and these people were also responsible for Brexit!

Flynn Hillary Hypocrisy

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

"You know what uranium is, right? Its this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things." - T

We are all doomed.

"Your opinion is wrong, according to the facts."
- Ankylo-01

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

Sadly, this may be in fact true.

Re: Trump press conference - total DISASTER, beginning of the END for GO

Fortunately, President Trump's appointment to head the Department of Energy is an expert on this issue.

So it goes.