Politics : If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Republicans would have sharted their pants collectively, and their heads would have blasted off their shoulders like rockets. Conservatives & Tea Party lunatics/snowflakes would be ranting, raving, carrying effigies and protesting violently in the streets like they did over ObamaCare.

Obama couldn't have gotten away with 0.45676984th the crap that the Orange Messiah has, and we all know it.

Herr Drumpf is dangerously unstable and puts us all at risk. He's surrounded himself with serial liars, hucksters and incompetent charlatans. Put unqualified, bafflingly stupid people in charge of major departments across the Executive branch. The intelligence community has clearly seen that he can't be trusted and have tightened the reigns on what they will and won't share with him. Drumpf's upset because he can't then get on the secret phone and whisper our country's intel plans to his BF, comrade Putin (probably in exchange for whatever leverage is being held over him).

Way to go, America! That private e-mail server suuuure was all-important, huh?

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Herr Drumpf is dangerously unstable and puts us all at risk. He's surrounded himself with serial liars, hucksters and incompetent charlatans. Put unqualified, bafflingly stupid people in charge of major departments across the Executive branch. The intelligence community has clearly seen that he can't be trusted and have tightened the reigns on what they will and won't share with him. Drumpf's upset because he can't then get on the secret phone and whisper our country's intel plans to his BF, comrade Putin (probably in exchange for whatever leverage is being held over him).


Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

When the #1 name in fake news is on your side you can get away with anything. You could get a greedy old fool elected president.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Absolutely. It's one disgusting GOP circle-jerk.


Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Let me clarify this. It's really very simple.

There is no real news.

There is no fake news.

There is only Trump News - the best, amazing, great news!

Life can be arbitrary and comes without a warranty.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Obama allways declared fake news.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Golly madmike, you sound less coherent than usual.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Never heard of Obama blaming everything except Isis for killing Americans on home soil?

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

That single unsubstantiatable claim is what you'd call "allways", whatever that means?

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

So over 100 US citizens dead being blamed on everything from workplace violence to being gay, it must of been good for the media to falsify the news for Obama.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

You mean how he used terms like "act of terror and hate" all the time, but since he didn't spout "radical Islam" on a hair trigger (like Trump, who usually used it before he knew any facts about what he was spouting about)?

Are you really still so superficial and unsophisticated you think saying the words 'radical Islam' would somehow magically change the world?

"These are people who've killed children, killed Muslims, take sex slaves, there's no religious rationale that would justify in any way any of the things that they do," he said. "But what I have been careful about when I describe these issues is to make sure that we do not lump these murderers into the billion Muslims that exist around the world, including in this country, who are peaceful, who are responsible, who, in this country, are fellow troops and police officers and fire fighters and teachers and neighbors and friends."

That one paragraph is more reasoned, rational, intelligent and Presidential than anything Trump has struggled to get out in the past couple years. Obama didn't shy away from calling it what it is. You seem to remain hung up on a specific terminology that doesn't count.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

You mean how he used terms like "act of terror and hate" all the time, but since he didn't spout "radical Islam" on a hair trigger (like Trump, who usually used it before he knew any facts about what he was spouting about)?

Only when the attackers were white, he never used them when Muslims killed Americans on home soil.

Are you really still so superficial and unsophisticated you think saying the words 'radical Islam' would somehow magically change the world?

It would show which side he was on

"These are people who've killed children, killed Muslims, take sex slaves, there's no religious rationale that would justify in any way any of the things that they do," he said. "But what I have been careful about when I describe these issues is to make sure that we do not lump these murderers into the billion Muslims that exist around the world, including in this country, who are peaceful, who are responsible, who, in this country, are fellow troops and police officers and fire fighters and teachers and neighbors and friends."

He was talking about foreign attacks and not about any terrorism on us soil.

That one paragraph is more reasoned, rational, intelligent and Presidential than anything Trump has struggled to get out in the past couple years. Obama didn't shy away from calling it what it is. You seem to remain hung up on a specific terminology that doesn't count.

So there isn't any thing called Islamic terrorism?

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

"Are you really still so superficial and unsophisticated you think saying the words 'radical Islam' would somehow magically change the world?"

You understand you are asking about Madmike, right?

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

So the sky will fall if Obama blamed Islamic terrorism for the deaths of Americans in America?

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

"So the sky will fall if Obama blamed Islamic terrorism for the deaths of Americans in America?"

Possibly if they get thier hands on nukes.

Good idea to deescalate in areas that are to our advantage, like making it clear our problem is with practitioners of violence, not Islam as a whole.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

But the teaching of Islam does promote terrorism, no other religion does that.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Clearly you've never read the Bible.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Bad press of Obama wasn't fake news, it was simply racism.

Duh, everyone knows that.

Would you like me to tell you the little story of right hand/left hand?

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

but what would the media have done ?

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Oslama never had to deal with fake news; the media took an 8 year sabbatical on reporting except for wondering what he found as the "most charming thing about being president.

It probably passed you by, but President Trump also said he could handle stories criticizing him as long as they were true. Maybe, just maybe, if the MSM stopped lying people might start trusting them again, though I doubt it.

Btw, Oslama was pretty harsh on Fox, but you probably applauded that.

Feministas praising Sharia law are like Jews praising Nazism.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

"Oslama never had to deal with fake news; the media took an 8 year sabbatical on reporting except for wondering what he found as the "most charming thing about being president."

Yeah, its not the media had an obsession with his birth certificate or some right leaning sources called him a secret Muslim. [/sarcasm]

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

tRump is the one who is lying left and right, and so are his minions, Conwoman and Spicer.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Obama got bad press?

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

Why would he declare a press completely biased in favor of him as fake?


Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

What bizzarro world where down is up and up is down do YOU live on

Obama was decimated by the press at almost every turn.

Re: If Obama had EVER declared that all bad press of him was "Fake News"

You have to be joking.
