Politics : I just came back to say, "Good bye"

I just came back to say, "Good bye"

A little birdie told me this place was being shut down so I figured I'd pop in to see what sort of turmoil was going on.

It seems that most of you don't really care and are going to go down swinging trying to see who gets in the last word: a Trumpanzee or a Clintonista.

That's why I left. No one here (or out there for that mater) really cares about right or wrong any more. they just care about trashing the "other guy". I've said for years that humanity is barely two steps out of the jungle and the election of Dr. DOOMpa Loompa proved me wrong. We're barely ONE step out of the jungle and [obviously] looking for a way to get back.

Anyway I was on the boards from the beginning and I'll be here, and and off, for the last few days of their existence.

Send a PM if you want to exchange info and stay in touch.

Otherwise. f^ck off.

Have a nice day!

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"


I'm on my way to bed, now, but I'll be sending you that PM tomorrow.


Color me "Happy to be on my back under Rosie."

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Check PM's.

Run test.

"All right we'll give some land to the n;ggers and the ch;nks. But we don't want the Irish!"

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Who are you?

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in with mexoxo rabbit

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

That's cool. I figured if you hadn't heard then you'd be in for one hell of a surprise when you tried to come back. Nice to see you.

Nice to see you as well (nm)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Coincidentally, I just stopped in to say, "Equality"

At least you don't have to worry about a long-term commitment.

So it goes.

Close to 20 years is commitment enough (nm)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Just migrate over to http://imdb2.freeforums.net/.

I believe that's where most of us are going anyhow, with over 1,600+ registered users.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

And how many of the legit users here are moving to that board? Because I haven't notice anyone.

You're never going to get any truth from us(the media). We'll tell you anything you want to hear.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

It'll take time.

"All right we'll give some land to the n;ggers and the ch;nks. But we don't want the Irish!"

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

join the new board

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Well, bye.

Try not to get your panties in such a self-righteous wad in your future internet board endeavors, whatever their nature.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Glad you made it back before the curtain falls.

Last movie watched: Blood for Dracula - 7/10

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Thanks for popping back in before the boards were shut down. A few of us were hoping you were. You were truly one of the best users on here, and you have been greatly missed recently.

You're never going to get any truth from us(the media). We'll tell you anything you want to hear.

Thanks CPF (nmje)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Were you the bloke who thought it shouldn't be illegal for parents to have the limbs of their children surgically removed provided it was part of their religious beliefs?

You're my wife now.

No, you dumbf^ck

I'm the guy that said that to highlight the idiocy of those folks who were saying that FGM should be given the same consideration and male circumcision.

You and that other f^ckwad never seemed to figure that out.


F^ck off, Numbnuts

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: No, you dumbf^ck

Yer arse.

You're my wife now.

Yer momma (nm)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

PM, as requested.

"All right we'll give some land to the n;ggers and the ch;nks. But we don't want the Irish!"

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Good to see you again, Equality.

I've said for years that humanity is barely two steps out of the jungle

I wonder all the time how people have managed to create all that they have and just how close it all is to annihilation at any moment, and when that terrible moment will ever come to pass.

Farewell and all the best to you, sir.

I think the Doomsday Clock

should have been set at 1 minute to midnight on January 20th.

Farewell and all the best to you as well.

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

A few years ago I got into some argument with you over something I can't even remember and called you a dumbass. I apologize, you're actually pretty smart and I was just an edgy young person.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

But you've only been signed up here for three months. The maths don't add up.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

He's a sissy boy.

Are you going to another board?

"All right we'll give some land to the n;ggers and the ch;nks. But we don't want the Irish!"

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Yes area51 board. You?

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"


sort of a

kill shot.

"All right we'll give some land to the n;ggers and the ch;nks. But we don't want the Irish!"

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Lol he thinks this is my first account, that's cute.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Lol You've never admitted you previously posted under another account. That's cute.

No worries


I've been called worse and said more than a few horrible things here myself.

Sh!t happens

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

are you going to flying monkey's new board?


but it looks like I'll need a VPN and I'm notoriously lazy about getting a VPN.

We'll see

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: Possibly

You're a notoriously stupid, lazy ass, period.

"I don't understand why they can't just ban nidii Just so annoying" - Grey-Phantom

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

"Whether homosexuality causes less harm (than slavery) is debatable" - Hada

Take care of yourself, Eddie! (nmje)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Hey, Mr Hiatus!

Good to see you bothered to pop by. Am gonna send you a PM.

Oh, and for the record, you haven't really missed that much. Apart from the camraderie, of course.

"He's about as much use as a marzipan dildo.


This place is like a soap opera. No matter how long you've been gone you pick up right where you left off.

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

I thought you relocated to the hell of the dumbest after your repeated, idiotic failures.
Unfortunately, you're still on this planet to pollute it with your idiocy, hopefully not for long.

"I don't understand why they can't just ban nidii Just so annoying" - Grey-Phantom

Changing the subject line of the thread was your thing.

Your interesting posts were easy to find.


Not knowing history is like being a leaf that doesn't know it's part of a tree.

And to you (nm)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Awwwwwww, take cafe of yourself. I'm going to miss you (and have)

I don't want the world. I just want your half.

Take care of yourself, Foxy (nm)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Yeah, I've been pulling back more and more because of the boards.

That said, I do get more thoughtful conversation in other venues.

PM on its way! Good to see you again!

All roads lead to truth if you're willing to travel honestly.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Is there any place in particular you might mention, Mr. Skyhawk?

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

Generally Facebook groups I'm part of. Not something to pass along, sadly.

All roads lead to truth if you're willing to travel honestly.

Thoughtful would be nice. LOL (nm)

Insert pithy aphorism here

Tell me about it. (nm)

All roads lead to truth if you're willing to travel honestly.

Re: I just came back to say, "Good bye"

You're back!

Glad you stopped by; I was beginning to wonder where you went.

Anyway, I'll miss reading your posts. I just sent you a PM. Please do keep in touch.

jimanchower: "Unlike you, I have class. "