Politics : Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

Too rich for my blood.

Re: Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

What did Brian Williams lie about?

The news is real. The President is fake.

Re: Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

If you know who Brian Williams is you don't have to ask.

Re: Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

Brian embellished a story about himself flying into a combat area on a story, basically. One instance. The guy was the smoothest news reader in the biz.

Re: Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

Yeah, I knew who he was/is. I didn't remember what he had supposedly done. If lying is so bad, why do you Cons support Trump?

The news is real. The President is fake.

Re: Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

You don't remember because you are completely whacked out of your mind and batsh^t insane

Re: Lyin Brian Williams bemoans Trump lying

You're lying about Brian lying. You know damned well he lied about much more than that.