Politics : "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging President

"WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging President


Former Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich revealed that parts of the intelligence community have been sabotaging President Obama's and Trump's ability to have peaceful relations with Russia.

A phone call from the incoming director of National Security was intercepted and the contents given to the media What's going on in the intelligence community with this new president is unprecedented. They're making every effort to upend him.

The American people have to know that there's a game going on inside the intelligence community where there are those who want to separate the US from Russia in a way that would re-ignite the Cold War. That's what's at the bottom of all this. It's early in the morning, it's valentine's day, but wake up America.

"This isn't a joke. This is a serious matter. If [President Trump] doesn't get control of where the information is coming from, he'll never know the truth, the American people won't know the truth, and we could be set at war with almost any country."

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

"It's not just this administration. I want to remind viewers and all those that are on the panel that in the closing months of the Obama administration they put together a deal with Russia to create peace in Syria. A few days later, a military strike in Syria killed 100 Syrian soldiers and that ended the agreement. What happened is, inside the intelligence [community] and the pentagon, there was a deliberate effort to sabotage an agreement the White House made. This is like Deep State, this is like some kind of spy novel, but it's real. And the American people have to understand that a game is being played with the security of our country."

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

If [President Trump] doesn't get control of where the information is coming from, he'll never know the truth

Eh, President Trump and the 'truth' have a tenuous relationship at best.

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

I guess it's time to start a war with Russia then

Who cares what anyone thinks about a president when elements of the intel community are trying to sabotage the Executive branch's ability to have peaceful relations with a nuclear power?

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

I think the real story here is Trump and members of his staff sabotaged our Democracy by working with the Russians to subvert our elections.

That should be the focus moving forward and by extension that Trump's election was tainted and that his administration is illegitimate.

Given those circumstances, Trump should be undermined at every opportunity.

You don't normalize or give legitimacy to an illegitimate criminal cabal.

War is a racket. It always has been. A few profit - and the many pay.

Smedley Butler

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Watch the video. That was just a ruse to keep Russia as an enemy.

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Trump should be undermined at every opportunity.
Chesty Puller weeps.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

I guess it's time to start a war with Russia then

That is one helluva leap.

Who cares what anyone thinks about a president when elements of the intel community are trying to sabotage the Executive branch's ability to have peaceful relations with a nuclear power?

Well, if President Trump believes certain elements of the intelligence community are trying to 'sabotage' his relationship with Russia he is free to order an investigation into those 'rogue' elements. I will be surprised if a Trump Administration investigation actually turns up a name but anything can happen.

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

It's not Trump saying this, it's former Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Yeah, I didn't watch the video and what Fox News Contributor Dennis Kucinich has to say about such things is mostly benign. What President Trump says or does about the matter is what interests me.

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

When there's a rogue part of the intelligence community, which not only tried to sabatoge Obama's ability to have peaceful relations with Russia, but is also now going into overdrive against Trump too, that's a huge issue. It's not benign, it's the exact opposite of that, unless of course you actually want unelected intelligence officials trying to start wars against the President's wishes.

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

It's not benign, it's the exact opposite of that, unless of course you actually want unelected intelligence officials trying to start wars against the President's wishes.

Eh, I said that Fox News Contributor Dennis Kucinich's opinion on the matter is mostly benign as that is just his opinion and what President Trump says or does about the matter is what interests me. I don't put a lot of weight behind one political pundits opinion.

And why are you jumping to the conclusion that 'unelected intelligence officials are trying to start wars' when it is much more likely that someone in the intelligence community had a personal beef with General Flynn? And this person leaked the phone call info as way to ruin Flynn's career?

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

You should watch the video too. They do have a beef with Flynn because they have a beef with Generals who want peace. This is what congressman Kucinich is pointing out. It's the same thing that President Eisenhower pointed out decades ago.

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Who cares what anyone thinks about a president when elements of the intel community are trying to sabotage the Executive branch's ability to have peaceful relations with a nuclear power?

Yes I'm sure the intel community is secretly working towards a potential war with Russia on it's south-western front. That makes lots of sense.
This is pretzel logic to try and excuse Trump administration's potential contamination and overstepping.

"Paranoia is just another word for ignorance."
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

That's how it's worked for decades. The the military industrial complex gets funded by waging constant hot and cold wars. This is what Congressman Kucinich is pointing out in the video. They're trying to prevent peace with Russia so we have to spend hundreds of billions more trying to combat an enemy we don't even need to have.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

You are aware we haven't been at war in any sense with Russia since 1990? I don't know where this delusion we are is coming from.

"Paranoia is just another word for ignorance."
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

You really need to watch the video before you comment. The entire point of congressman Kucinich is that the military industrial complex is trying to defy our president's wishes of peace so they can restart the cold war with Russia.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

the military industrial complex is trying to defy our president's wishes of peace so they can restart the cold war with Russia

Weak point, if Trump wanting "peace" is the only thing stopping them.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

You need to watch the video too. They're not only defying Trump's wishes of peace, they also defied Obama's wishes of peace as well.

Watch the video before you comment.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

You are aware we haven't been at war in any sense with Russia since 1990?

Proxy war in Yemen
Proxy war in Syria
Proxy war in Libya
Proxy war in Ukraine

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

This is a real problem for all Americans. Do we let our elected officials wishes of peace become sabotaged by an unelected minority in the intelligence community?

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Dennis Kucinich is a kook, so no he's not a top democrat.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Kucinich is well-known for being one of the few rare honest politicians. He's one of the few Democrats that I would vote for. I don't agree with most of this policies, but at least he's honest.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Kucinich is an old-style FDR-Deomocrat like Sanders. There's a reason the current Democratic Party tried to portray and characterize him as a cook like the poster above bought into.

"Paranoia is just another word for ignorance."
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

I wouldn't call him FDR, but he sticks to his guns and doesn't change his stances just because big money tells him to.

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

No one is sabotaging Trump but himself. You bought it, you pay for it.

I know words. I have the best words - Donald J Trump, POTUS

Re: "WAKE UP AMERICA" Top Democrat says intel community sabotaging Presi

"Nietzsche says, out of chaos comes order."

"Oh, blow it out your ass. Howard!"

Blazing Saddles was astoundingly prescient.


That had not occurred to us, Dude.