Politics : List of board libs that need to commit suicide

List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Name them. One name per post.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide


Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Not a lib. Doesn't count. Try again.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

That's not nice mister. Do you need a time out? Maybe some soap in the mouth or a switch across your tail?

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in with mexoxo rabbit

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

How about a rodent in my ass?

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

I'll be checking back periodically to see whether I need to off myself.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

We'll all be offed Monday.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

I don't actually live in the matrix.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

You loved Obama, didn't you?

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Still do.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Then you have your answer.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Will this be a recommendation or a command? Hopefully, it's just a recommendation. Commands given with a tone of authority are often difficult to disobey.

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

I don't know, but it seems rather lazy on the OP's part. Do LIBS really have to do everything for these guys? If he wants us dead, you'd think he could put in the effort to get the job done himself.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Apparently, 'personal responsibility' is dead. Thanks, Obama.

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Do not want Libs dead. Who will I be able to laugh at?

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Pro tip: One likely outcome of suicide is death.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

it's whatever you want it to be, sugar loaf.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Let's be more civil in our final moments together, brother. How about we list libs that should be given aids??

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

You can start that list now, if you'd like.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

I'd spare good ones like Mr. Self and Rosebud. Patricia91 is a good candidate as she's soon to drop dead anyway.

Re: List of board libs that need to commit suicide

Aids for Patricia91 then. I'm giving it away for free today. Lib or con. Spread the wealth. Bernie bros will love it.