The Flash : Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

He knows the exact date and time of Iris's death, so why can't he just make sure she's safe when that day comes? Keep her in a cell at S.T.A.R. Labs or even put her temporarily on Earth-38 where Supergirl can protect her. He hasn't even considered this an option. He's just focusing on altering the future even though he always messes things up when he alters the timeline. Have they given a reason for this?

I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman!

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

He hasnt considered it because May 23rd is not tomorrow. That is what you do at the last minute. Some of you just need to let the story play out

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

I am trying to ignore it and just enjoy the show (which I do) if that's what you mean, but it's still pretty stupid story-wise. They could at least make up a reason for why it doesn't work. It's so weird that nobody seems to have even thought about it when Barry now has three scientists on his team.

I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman!

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

I think Barry is going through his options up next is see if maybe he can use Wally. Julian looked at the math and its clear he will have to get phenominally fast ina short time in order to beat the .21 seconds. He cant do it in such a short time so he figures maybe Wally can so thats what hes looking at. If he springs this on Iris sending her away or locking her up she would never go for it. So something like this has to wait until the day before May 23rd. Its a last minute option when all else fails

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

I imagine Barry putting Iris in a steel box and carrying the box everywhere with him. It would be great source of comedy when he meets his friend from school
- Why do you carry this big box with you?
- My girlfriend is inside.
- Sure, sure, you could have just said that your girlfriend lives in Canada as the rest of nerd squad.
- No really, Iris is inside! Iris say something
(muffled sounds)
- Sure dude. You have Iris in a box.

She could be treated as cousin It from Addams Family
-Muffled sounds
- Good point Iris, we should do that
- Muffled sounds
- Oh my god you are so funny!

Also imagine scenes in Starlabs with giant steel box where Iris should stand. This would be great tongue-in-cheek episode.

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

You really think that a fake god who knows their destinies won't be able to find Iris?

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

Maybe he wasn't looking for her. Its possible she could have just got in the way. Maybe Savitar and Barry was engaed in battle he was losing so he grabbed Iris as leverage.Barry is working under the assumption that Savitar returns May 23rd but it entirely possible that he could be coming back anyday and May 23 rd is the final battle

Re: Why doesn't Barry just keep Iris safe from Savitar?

Locking Iris away won't work for the same reason locking Savitar away didn't work. Fate won't let them stay there.
