The Last Keepers : Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

I haven't seen either, but you can pretty much copy and paste this synopsis onto Beautiful Creatures and there'd be no difference.

You heart me? What is that? Is that like I love you for pussies?

Re: Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures was a LOT more fun and wickedly playful.I would definitely watch that one if I were you.

Re: Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

Isn't it marvelous that we live in a world where people can make snide judgements on things about which they know absolutely nothing, then flounce off into the sunset with a flick of the hair?

I've seen both. They're nothing alike. But you do you. Me? I'd be humiliated to do that. I guess we're just a world of varied people.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.

Re: Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

LOL well aren't you a special little snowflake. Where's your award

Re: Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

Knowing that you had a learning opportunity is reward enough.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.

Re: Sounds exactly like Beautiful Creatures

True, I did learn that you are an annoying, condescending prick.

There will be bloodbut you will be loved.

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