Camp X-Ray : I Thought the Marines Were At Guantanamo…

I Thought the Marines Were At Guantanamo…

not the U.S. Army.

Am I wrong?

Re: I Thought the Marines Were At Guantanamo…

There is actually every service in GTMO but only the Army and Navy work in the Camps. That's why it's called a JTF (joint task force) and JDG (joint detention group)

Re: I Thought the Marines Were At Guantanamo…

Several years ago an Army National Guardsman was sent there from Tennessee because he was an MP. While there he was asked to put on a prisoner's outfit over his uniform and go into a cell. It was a training exercise and they gave him a "Safe" word to use if he needed it. He was supposed to resist somewhat.

Well, one of the guards there for more training went berserk and began smashing his head against the floor. He kept shouting the "safe" word which did no good. Another soldier saw he had on an army uniform underneath the prisoner garb. He and others managed to drag the crazy guard off.

But that guardsman suffered permanent brain damage and has several seizures a day. His life is ruined and the Pentagon stalled on any medical help to him.

An old army saying is that there are two types of volunteers: Fools and damn fools. Don't agree to dangerous things make them make it an order.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else

Re: I Thought the Marines Were At Guantanamo…

That fellow was from the Kentucky National Guard actually.

Sean Baker.

That's a scary incident. There should have been someone there who knew Baker was a role player in case things got nuts like that. The soldiers already thought he had assaulted a sergeant and they would have been incensed going in.

It's like they were setting this thing up for a big 'FAIL' from the outset.