God's Not Dead : I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
The source of the professor's bitterness is that his mother died when he was twelve despite his prayers that she would survive. The Christian student is simply a Christian; as far as I am aware the film simply places him in the story as is with no explanation.
The origin of that particular short story in this film is based on an evangelical perception that religion has come under attack by university academics that openly show hostile views toward religion. The short story is loosely based on that perception. Whether that classroom climate actually exists in America is up to you to decide.
" Just wish we could have the old board back, with fun people who like discussing the show" - Centrd
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
an evangelical perception that religion has come under attack by university academics that openly show hostile views toward religion.
One ought to expect that Christians can have persecution complexes, even when in the West where they are the principal settled, or established, religion with religious rights guaranteed by law. They are, after all, told by Christ and scripture to expect it:
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted [2 Tim 3:12]
If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. [Joh 15:18]
etc etc
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [Matt 5:10]
Yeah, just explain everything away with zero evidence kurt-2000
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Christians can have persecution complexes,
I'll let the persecution complex Christians know you have a bone to pick with them,
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
I shouldn't bother, they probably have enough complexes already, admirable Ackbar lol
Yeah, just explain everything away with zero evidence kurt-2000
Yeah, just explain everything away with zero evidence kurt-2000
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
The origin of that particular short story in this film is based on an evangelical perception that religion has come under attack by university academics that openly show hostile views toward religion. The short story is loosely based on that perception. Whether that classroom climate actually exists in America is up to you to decide.
Oh I don't doubt that it exists somewhere in this country; we have plenty of scenarios that could be happening at any given time. But we also have theological seminaries and schools of philosophy (Duke, Drew, Fordham, Union, Yale, Harvard, many others) and the issues dealt with in this film are far more complex as these schools deal with them. It is not as simple as yes or no. I suppose I ought to see this film before I say anything more about it but the basic premise as I read it makes no sense.
Oh God. There's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold!
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
You raise some valid points indeed. Rather insightful for someone who has not seen the film. However please consider that there are many folks who like the "facts" laid out for them in the simplistic pros and cons way. This movie does that quite well and actually it is a lot more enjoyable than one would think. My brother insisted I watch it and I was resistant to seeing it for much the same reasons as you listed but it was actually okay!!!! Not the worlds greatest movie but not the worst either. Maybe a simplistic film like this allows some who are searching for something of a spiritual nature, to experience the "for and against" arguments about the existence of God in a way that may clarify some things for them. I figure anything that provokes even a smidge of thinking about "both sides" of this debate" can be a positive thing.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
However please consider that there are many folks who like the "facts" laid out for them in the simplistic pros and cons way.
Your point is well taken. Hard for me primarily because my faith has informed my life since I was a small child going to Sunday School and then a regular churchgoer for so many years.
There was a period during which I did not attend church but I found myself going back some time later because without it there was something missing in my life of which I was all too aware. Having said that, though, I am not a zealot and I would be lying if I said I did not sometimes have my doubts.
Oh God. There's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold!
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Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Doubts are normal. Having faith in a higher being or purpose is a choice we make. I personally believe that we were given brains so we could think,create and question. Would a being of ultimate power really need blind robots in thrall? It seems the religious zealots would like us to believe that, but surely having doubts and questions is a natural adjunct to the gift of reason we were given. It is part of being human and is a gift to be treasured in my humble opinion. Also consider this. Maybe people who have always lived a "good" life can find it hard sometimes to maintain their faith. Those who have renounced a life of crime or poor decisions can at least compare their new life with their old life and see a vivid contrast. For those like us who have grown up with faith it can be harder to measure our progress and thus we lose our way for a bit. Believe me you have lots of company!!!! All any of us can do is strive to do the best we can in a very complex world.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
I think many Christians see the majority of colleges and universities pulling away from religion in general, within all academic departments. It's not a "persecution complex" as my chat board shadow sarcastically characterizes it. Many different groups that attend institutes of higher education simply wanted to be treated with fairness, and not preference.
Persecution complex could also be claimed when board atheists accused the production team of specifically attacking atheists in this film, when in fact the professor was a former Christian angry with God.
Persecution complex could also be claimed when board atheists accused the production team of specifically attacking atheists in this film, when in fact the professor was a former Christian angry with God.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Persecution complex could also be claimed when board atheists accused the production team of specifically attacking atheists in this film, when in fact the professor was a former Christian angry with God
Which was the complete misrepresentation of atheism presented in the film. That's all that those, at least that I've seen, have pointed out, as well you know because several different posters have explained this.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
when in fact the professor was a former Christian angry with God
Which was the complete misrepresentation of atheism presented in the film.
Perhaps I ought to re view the film since that was the impression I got too; that the professor's atheism, while also demolished on other fronts was ultimately not even sincere since he was angry at God over a personal tragedy.
Yeah, just explain everything away with zero evidence kurt-2000
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
not even sincere since he was angry at God over a personal tragedy.
Exactly. His projection was purely anger based and not even rationale or civil. How could the professor even be taken seriously as a representative of atheism.
And send cosmo a copy of the film when you're done watching since he's never seen it.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
complete misrepresentation of atheism presented in the film
There were no true atheists in this film.
This is just you projecting again cosmo since you have no self awareness as usual.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
There were no true atheists in this film.
Which is exactly the point kurt. There were no actual (I don't like the word true in this regard) atheists in the film, all of the atheists were those who were either angry at God or simply choosing to purposefully reject God. If I'm projecting, by stating what is shown on the screen then so are you, seeing as you basically just agreed with me. As there were no actual atheists, atheism was misrepresented.
Oh, by the way
you have no self awareness as usual.
That's still not what self awareness is.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
atheism was misrepresented.
Atheism was used as a weapon in this show by a former Christian.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Atheism was used as a weapon in this show by a former Christian.
Why are you so reluctant to just say that it was misrepresented?
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Because that makes dopes like you sound like victims.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
No it doesn't, it's simply an accurate assessment of how atheism was presented in the film.
However, as the whole film is designed in a way that makes Christians look like victims it's nice to know you only have disdain for atheists, though given your opposition to being any sort of advocate for religion we all know that isn't entirely accurate.
However, as the whole film is designed in a way that makes Christians look like victims it's nice to know you only have disdain for atheists, though given your opposition to being any sort of advocate for religion we all know that isn't entirely accurate.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
No it doesn't, it's simply an accurate assessment of how atheism was presented in the film.
No, it's you projecting again from your imaginary world.
as the whole film is designed in a way that makes Christians look like victims
This proves that you still didn't see it, fool. It's a half dozen short stories unrelated to each other.
it's nice to know you only have disdain for atheists
I had no disdain for atheists after watching this show in 2014, but after chatting on this board I can think of a few atheist jackasses.
though given your opposition to being any sort of advocate for religion we all know that isn't entirely accurate.
There is no "we". The others don't back you since you're in your own little fantasy world. Nor do I hate religion. Take your meds cosmo.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
No, it's you projecting again from your imaginary world.
How contradictory would you like to be? You've even said yourself that the film doesn't have any actual atheists in it, though you use the term "true". That you and I have clearly seen the same thing, I know you'll deny this because you don't understand how you wording it differently to me doesn't stop it from being the exact same thing, indicates that the film presents atheists incorrectly, i.e. it misrepresents atheism. I know you will always fight to disagree but it doesn't change what you've clearly written down yourself. And that's also not what 'projecting' is.
This proves that you still didn't see it, fool.
I'll ignore your desire to try and be insulting, but the very premise of the film is that the professor is trying to suppress the Christian. That's the entire plot, that you don't realise this is more evidence that you haven't actually seen the film and have clearly just gotten your information off the internet.
It's a half dozen short stories unrelated to each other.
Thank you for agreeing that it's a badly written film.
I had no disdain for atheists after watching this show in 2014
I never said that your disdain began after you saw the film, even though it's fairly obvious that you likely didn't actually watch it, but the word "had" is the important one there. That proves that you do have disdain for atheists.
There is no "we".
You don't have to keep reminding me that the English language is beyond your understanding kurt, I already know it is.
Nor do I hate religion.
Yet nor are you any sort of advocate for it. And I've still not said that you "hate" religion.
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
There were no true atheists in this film.
I'll bet the fat kid who didn't stand up was a true atheist. :P
Re: I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
There were no true atheists in this film
Not even Scottish ones?
Yeah, just explain everything away with zero evidence kurt-2000
I Don't Think I Have Ever Commented On A Film I Haven't Seen, But…
Simply put: a philosophy professor with a chip on his shoulder with respect to the existence of God finds himself knocking heads with a student who is a professed Christian.
The source of the professor's bitterness is that his mother died when he was twelve despite his prayers that she would survive. The Christian student is simply a Christian; as far as I am aware the film simply places him in the story as is with no explanation.
So what we are left with is an atheist and a Christian duking it out for the better part of two hours. I don't know how the thing ends, but I have been a Christian myself for nearly fifty years and frankly, I find the thought of this film excruciatingly boring. In order for this thing to generate the slightest bit of tension, or even interest, someone is going to have to give at some point, even if it is only temporarily. But I get the distinct impression that all we are really given is two hard-headed men having a religious jousting match. Although I will admit that it doesn't take much to predict who the winner is when the smoke clears away.
I mean, REALLY. Has the population of this country become so simple-minded that they will swallow the stupidest of stories with no objection?
Oh God. There's nothing more inconvenient than an old queen with a head cold!