Film General : Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

I think, in all the years I used the boards, since the 90's, it was never a place you could ask a question and get an intelligent, rational response. I think much of this has to do with the fact that a lot of posters are studio marketing employees or high school students/general psychopaths living a lie online, like the guy from Catch Me If You Can. People in the real world are generally not as touchy as people on message boards.

In that respect, I don't think losing the boards will cost people the chance to find out more information about a movie or what happened in it. Every time I've questioned my intelligence on these boards, something happened that usually proved that the know-it-all refuting my points was a complete idiot.

The lost potential of the IMDB is sad, but I don't think the internet is really losing much. I think Jeff Bezos is really building up a lot of animosity towards Amazon doing things like this and the way he's running the WaPo. If it weren't for Amazon's shows, I don't think I'd go there much anymore after this. Amazon really needs a reality check from anti-trust before they get too big.

Re: Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

That's one shiny mirror you've got there.

Re: Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

Give me a break, you're that much of a baby that you can't handle dissenting opinions?

Re: Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

You completely exemplify your very post. You can't handle the OP so you yourself act like a baby.

Re: Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

On specific film/actor/director boards, there were often good discussions about specific scenes/plot twists/explanations/career/ I will miss that for sure!

Re: Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

I found a lot of people who were completely incapable of critical thinking and reason. In fact, if you tried to think and express your conclusions, you were often yelled at and called a moron. No one even wanted to entertain your thoughts and reason with you.

There were a few times I actually tried to guess what would happen in a future episode. I stated what I thought would happen, based on my general knowledge and work experience, watching other movies. In one instance, I was yelled at by everyone, even someone claiming to be a cop. He said that he was in law enforcement and knew more than I did, people took his side, told me that if a cop said I was wrong, that was the end of it.

I ended up being right the next week and not a soul came around, other than maybe one moaner, to admit I was right and give me credit. The "cop" quickly disappeared and was never seen again.

The people on this site probably don't even have GED's, probably have several mental illnesses that keep them from finding employment. It's sad. There are some intelligent people here and there, but as a resource for film and other knowledge, it's generally useless, unfortunately.

Re: Most people on the IMDB were pretty stupid, TBH

I found a lot of people who were completely incapable of critical thinking and reason. In fact, if you tried to think and express your conclusions, you were often yelled at and called a moron.
Are you even aware that you were describing yourself?