Politics : Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

The Republican National Committee (RNC) alerted the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) on Thursday that it plans to require GOP presidential nominees not to attend debates run by the commission going forward.

"The RNC will initiate the process of amending the Rules of the Republican Party at our upcoming Winter Meeting to prohibit future Republican nominees from participating in CPD-sponsored debates," wrote Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in the letter, which was obtained by The Hill.

Cowardly *****.

Re: Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

Looks like the Republicans will stop debating altogether and just focus on terrorism and coup d'etat attempts.

Re: Republicans pull out of future presidential debates


🐘🐘 Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

Cowardly *****.
¿Why should they allow their debates to be run by those leaning left? When the CPD started it was much less biased. They pretty much gave the CPD an ultimatum: Clean up your bias or we won't play.

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🐘🐘 Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

As well they should! No more having to debate the Dems AND the Moderators! Let's have Fox News do it!

clap.gif cheers.gif

😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

🐘🐘 Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

What bias? It is already a bipartisan commission that was agreed to by Democrats and Republicans. How could it be less biased?

🐘🐘 Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

The CPD was established in 1987. It has had plenty of time to develop bias one way or the other. The test of its lack of bias is both parties accepting it. Both no longer do.

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Re: Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

What a major display of weakness. If you are too scared to go on stage and meet your opponent then you are not fit to be president.

Re: Republicans pull out of future presidential debates

At last, the world is waking up to the inherent bias within the media.

Check my block list because you're probably on it.