Politics : Should Manchin switch parties?

Should Manchin switch parties?

The left are treating him like a traitor for voting his conscience. Perhaps he should join the republicans.

I would agree with you but then both of us would be wrong

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

Oh, I am certain that he will at some point.

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

My husband and I were discussing this yesterday. We both go feel he will. No surprise given his geography.

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

He could switch, but I like him where he is because everything he exposes about the insane left gets airplay and that lets the moderates hear about it.

Which usually helps them wise up and vote for candidates that work to help America not destroy it like Biden and his minions are doing.

Why is ToastyCheese so easily triggered? confused.gif

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

I do like how he riles the lefties and exposes their intolerance. To the left, the socialist system IS god and anyone on their side of the aisle who doesn't go with the flow is treated like a heretic.

I would agree with you but then both of us would be wrong

🐘 ¿Should Manchin switch parties?

No, I think he should become an Independent. Bernie is more of a Democrat than he is as Democrat is defined today. Manchin is more of a traditional Democrat than the Lefties who rule now.

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Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

Perhaps he should join the republicans.


At the moment, he is defying the Democrats, but switching to the Republican Party will not make him any less a liberal.

I don't fully trust Manchin. He has hemmed and hawed on issues before and, at the finish, sided with the Dems.

Thus far, he has been a man of courage for standing up to them (an echo of Trump, although Manchin would be appalled at that notion).

I hope he sticks this one out, but I have the feeling the leftist lunatics in the administration are (figuratively) beating the crap out of him far more than what we have seen in the video clips on tv.

And This, Too, Shall Pass Away

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

Never going to happen. It's political theater at its finest, and the network news idiots and their audience wallow in it.

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

Yes because he's really a Republican at heart.


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Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

He should stay where he is and try to embolden other moderate Democrats to push the socialists back to the fringe where they belong.

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

It isn't over yet.

The Democrats will cut and paste their bill until they bring Manchin onboard. Once he caves and the bill is adopted, not only will they screw the country, they will screw Manchin, as well, and teach him a lesson so he will never step out of line again.

Never underestimate Democrat corruption and retribution.

And This, Too, Shall Pass Away

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

Sounds about right. Evil is as evil does.

I would agree with you but then both of us would be wrong

Re: Should Manchin switch parties?

If there was a Republican president and House he might have, but switching now would be switching to the party out of power. It probably wouldn't help him in West Virginia either. A pro-Trump candidate could easily defeat him there for the Republican nomination. Politically it is smarter he remain a Democrat.