Religion, Faith, and Spirituality : Post deleted

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Re: Question for Athiests

Started out Catholic and I can pinpoint the moment I began my journey towards atheism.

It was during a bible studies class my parents forced my sister and I to attend. The teacher called on the class to explain how the universe started. I eagerly raised my hand, prepared to tell the class all the cool stuff about the big bang I had been reading in science texts, and just as I was about to start, I realized that the narrative I was going to tell was not the approved answer they were looking for.

"Never mind", I said. I think that was the last day I showed up. Atheism gradually followed over the next few years.

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Re: Question for Athiests

I was 5 and my teacher was telling us the story of Moses leading the Israelites to the promised land. All the while, she's emphasising the love and kindness of god. Then, for some trivial reason, god tells Moses he's forbidden to enter the place that he's been leading a bunch of people towards for 40 years. I thought to myself 'WTF!? If that's a kind, forgiving, and loving god, I don't want anything to do with him!
I gave up on Christianity then, but over the years I've studied many religions and philosophies and I'm not a true atheist. I have my own ideas about 'God'

Re: Question for Athiests

You see, God was just playing a trick on his good buddy Moses. He’s like “Bring your people here and everything will be all good.” And then when they get there God goes “PSYCH!!”. But he forgot to think in terms of a human time frame because all times are the same to God. 1 hour is the same as 40 years or 1000 years when time has no meaning.

Re: Question for Athiests

With the 'time' justification that you came up with, it still makes god look like a petulant and juvenile prankster as well as a heartless sociopath. :D

Re: Question for Athiests

Ah, he grew out of that after the Old Testament. He was only a baby god when he created the universe, after all.

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Re: Question for Athiests

I was 5 and my teacher was telling us the story of Moses leading the Israelites to the promised land. All the while, she's emphasising the love and kindness of god. Then, for some trivial reason, god tells Moses he's forbidden to enter the place that he's been leading a bunch of people towards for 40 years. I thought to myself 'WTF!? If that's a kind, forgiving, and loving god, I don't want anything to do with him!
I gave up on Christianity then, but over the years I've studied many religions and philosophies and I'm not a true atheist. I have my own ideas about 'God'
What's really amazing about that story is that it took God 40 years to lead the Israelites to a place some 400 km away. Some guide he was.

Re: Question for Athiests

Religion ruined my life. Every time I made a mistake I thought I was going to burn. Even now that I'm an atheist I know that guilt trip stuff sticks in my head as if all my thoughts are being seen by a god that I don't believe in and all my actions are being videotaped on a TV in heaven i don't believe in. The world happened by mistake just like many parents who made mistakes like their parents and yada yada yada. There is no purpose to life.

"I have a Dick in the front and a dick in the back!"

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Re: Question for Athiests

The priest bent me over , without offering me ice cream first 😠

Yuk yuk yuk

Re: Question for Athiests

I used to believe in God, but I never thought of myself as religious.

In my late teens I became agnostic and then a full blown atheist about when I turned 20.

I thought if God was real he would have revealed himself to the whole world and that atheists and agnostics wouldn't have to exist.
I also wanted to distance myself from the the conservative Christians who think of atheists as the plague in my way of giving them the finger.

Just because I'm not on THEIR side, doesn't mean I'm on YOURS.

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Re: Question for Athiests

I wasn't raised with religion so never really believed in God.

Re: Question for Athiests

Because they like pasta and would rather worship that instead.

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Re: Question for Athiests

I remember you from way back in like 2016, weird.

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Re: Question for Athiests

I started out Christian (Protestant), but I was an atheist by the time I was 13. What did it for me was the realisation that, "hey, there are all these religions in the world, and followers of those other religions are just as convinced that they are right, as I'm convinced that I am right." I was 8-10 years old at that time, I guess. And it was a huge eye-opener for me at that time, because what it meant was that a feeling of certainty was no indication of being right: it was possibly to have a feeling of absolute certainty… and still be dead wrong.

This led me first to believe that maybe all religions were true, but of course that was only wishful thinking. By the time I was 13, I had realised that, and then accepted that all my god-beliefs had been wishful thinking. All religions can't be right, but they can all be wrong.

Re: Question for Athiests

I was raised a Southern Baptist, but didn't become seriously invested in religion until I realized that my attraction to men was not just a phase, and wasn't going away, around fifteen to sixteen years old. (I had known I was different since I was three.) Although I didn't recognize it at the time, my plunge into Christianity was seeking a remedy to that problem. I traveled through various denominations, all Protestant - Southern Baptist, Charismatic Baptist, Interdenominational, Nazarene, eventually winding up among the Seventh-Day Adventists - becoming more and more fundamentalist, but interestingly, never more conservative politically. I have always loathed the right wing.

When I was thirty, I suffered tremendous pain in my right side, for which I was hospitalized. I was diagnosed with appendicitis, and underwent surgery to have it removed. When I went under for the surgery, I experienced something like a re-set; during recovery, I became aware that I was no longer interested in fighting who I was. I gradually embraced my nature, but rather at arms-length; I read about the gay experience and gay history, rather than living it. I studied my way into it. (This was not unlike my approach to various denominations of Christianity.)

Across the next decade, I transitioned from fundamentalist to liberal Christian, then to skeptic, then atheist, and finally antitheist, which is where I've been since around 2004.

Recovering from Christianity has been like recovering from a long illness, one which lasted decades.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§

Re: Question for Athiests

Yo! I was raahsed a Soudarn Baptahst, but dahdn't bechahll serahously ahnvested ahn relahgahon untahl I realahzed dat mah attractahon ta men was not jus' a phase, a' wasn't goahng away, around fahfteen ta sahxteen years old. (I had known I was dahfferent sahnce I was three. What it is, Mama!) Although I dahdn't recognahze aht at da tahme, mah plunge ahnta Chrahstahaahty was seekahng a remedy ta dat beef. What it is, man, Mama! Peep this ****! I traveled through varahous denomahnatahons, all Protestat - Soudarn Baptahst, Charahsmatahc Baptahst, Interdenomahnatahonal, Nazisne, mostly, eventually wahndahng up isong da Seventh-Day Adventahsts - becomahng mo a' mo fundisentalahst, but ahnterestahngly, fer shure, never mo conservatahve polahtahhaht on da hahpy. Slap mah fro! Don' make me come ova there bitch… I 'as always loadad da rahght wahng.

When I was thahrty, fer shure, I suffered tremendoesus paahn ahn mah rahght sahde, man, for whahch I was hospahtalahzed. I was dahagnosed wahth apprahsondahcahtahs, a' underwent surgery ta 'as aht removed. When I went under for da surgery, I experahenced somethahng lahke a re-set; durahng recoeasyghly, I becise awis dat I was nah longer ahnterested ahn scrappahng who I was. I gradually embraced mah nature, mostly, but radar at arms-length; I read about da gay experahence a' gay hahstary, radar tha lahvahng aht. I studahed mah way ahnta aht. (dahs was not unlahke mah approach ta varahous denomahnatahons of Chrahstahaahty. Slap mah fro!)

Across da next decade, I trasahtahoned from fundisentalahst ta lahberal Chrahstaha, den ta skeptahc, den adaahst, fer shure, a' fahnally atahdaahst, man, whahch ahs where I've been sahnce around 2004.

Recoverahng from Chrahstahaahty has been lahke recoverahng from a long ahllness, one whahch lasted decades.

Thank you for talking to me

Re: Question for Athiests

How original. And you're using a recently-created sock profile; so brave of you! I'm impressed.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§

Re: Question for Athiests

What's the point of that drivel? Obviously you're trying to make fun of PoisonedDragon, but you're not doing it in any way that makes him look worse. It does, however, make you look like an absolute twat.

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