Politics : Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

So Kyle “no mercy” Rittenhouse can be elected?

Please, for lack of a better word, discuss.

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

It's not the man headed for the Whitehouse that needs to pass a test come election time, it's the electorate.

Democracy doesn't work when indoctrinated idiots get to vote.

Check my block list because you're probably on it.

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

Would it be crazy to require property ownership to be eligible to vote? Like real estate, not just a car. The colonies tried it. Didn't go so well.

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

It's unlikely any kind of scrutiny of a voter's ability to vote would ever pass, but at this point, I'd take anything over the current system. Most people are politically and economically illiterate, hence Biden's win.

Check my block list because you're probably on it.

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

It should be changed so people with Alzheimer's can't be elected.

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

They will have to have been elected into any office for a maximum of at least two years.
And they cannot have resigned from any office for however long they held it for.
This should keep out any future brain dead celebs, such as Turd Face, from ever running again.

I dunno why they are not working on this when there is buzz that he is thinking of running again as well as other under qualified celebs.

"Please vote to preserve the unique character of Warren…" - Robert Duvall

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

I think you should meet your MAKER! Psychic freak!

Re: Should eligibility requirements for President be amended

I don't see a need for a younger minimum age requirement for president. No one even as young as the current minimum has ever been elected.