Religion, Faith, and Spirituality : Pope Benedict Emeritus

Pope Benedict Emeritus

Anyone here reckon he could be near his time? He is in his 90s

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

He said he would accept it

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

I hope not. I’ll miss his eggs!

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus



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Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

Mean people suck.

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

We'll be seeing a lot about it on the news when he does pass away

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

No doubt. Do you think he'll be beatified?

Do you regard him as a better pope than Francis?

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Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

He could be.
In the eyes of conservative Catholics, he is.

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

I'm aware of what conservative Catholics think about him. I asked about your views.

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Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus


✝️ Pope Benedict Emeritus

I was talking to a friend today and the subject came up: ¿Could Pope Benedict XVI's papacy be deleted as if it never existed? I don't think so, but it's an interesting concept.

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✝️ Pope Benedict Emeritus

I don't think it can be deleted

✝️ Pope Benedict Emeritus

It would take a rewriting of history. Many believe that many Popes have been puppets, especially true when they get older. The last three appear to have reached that stage. ¿Who is behind them? Some believe it's the Jesuits. Could be, but it may even go higher than that.

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✝️ Pope Benedict Emeritus

Some believe it's the Jesuits.
In the case of Benedict XVI, it would more likely be Opus Dei.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§

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Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

Most people will be shocked he was still alive.

Re: Pope Benedict Emeritus

He's gone now since December 31st