Religion, Faith, and Spirituality : In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

As an atheist/dumbass I have never read the bibile, in fact I cant even recall ever seeing one in my life, so chances are Im missing a LOT of contex here, so apologies …

But it seems as though no matter what heinous crimes a person commits, all they have to do is repent and say you love god and he will forgive you and allow you into Heaven ( which if true, is kinda also a slap in the face to people who actually make an effort to be a good person all their life )

so God will forgive you no matter what you do….

But the devil is the gatekeeper to HELL, a place where BAD people go to be tortured for eternity..

Now, how many times have you read the news to find out some little girl has been abducted raped tortured and murdered, how did you feel? You wanted the person who done it to be tortured himself right? Even if you wont admitt it you know you want it! This is what the devil does!

But god seemigly has no issue letting these monsters sit at your table in the after life, all because they said they love him!

I know who gets my vote lol

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

So he is like santa claus now? lol

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

But if we choose not to, we go to hell?

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Yes, and you have to use BING there.

I am Anna. I am Google.

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Will I go to Heaven?

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Only if it's 3 inches into the sky.

I am Anna. I am Google.

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Ya know, I think I would get along with Hitler, I do enjoy a good Jew joke from time to time and I have a few for him that im sure he has not heard, considering he died in the 40s. Plus, he is probably like one of the main dudes down there right? Along with Vlad the implaer, Gengis Kahn and Diego Maradonna! So getting in good with him could open a few doors for me down there!

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

That's terrible, Spoony

If we take the time to see with the heart and not with the mind, we shall see that we are surrounded completely by angels ~ Carlos Santana

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

everyone who is somebody has kissed the ass of a horrible person to get where they are nettie, ambition will only get you so far

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

I heard that hell is just the absence of God. Going to hell means you will never have God in your life in the afterlife

If we take the time to see with the heart and not with the mind, we shall see that we are surrounded completely by angels ~ Carlos Santana

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Neither of them are people. They’re otherworldly entities not at all beholden to human morals or even human emotion. What is deemed good by humanity is not necessarily “good” or “bad” to divinity.

I’ll never understand why some people cite God’s apathy as proof he does not exist. I’m not religious but it would stand to reason if some entity created all the “good” in existence and all the “bad” as well, the entity is capable of both. It’s worth noting humanity is capable of both as well. Perhaps we have more in common with our creator than we thought, we who were “created in his image.”

Vlad did nothing wrong.

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

I’m speaking to multiple perspectives and from the human perspective, a global flood is an objectively bad event. My entire reply is talking about how bad for humans is not the same as bad for god or a god; we agree.

Satan created evil? So then Satan is a god?

Vlad did nothing wrong.

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

That guy’s interpretation is wrong. Tell him this was what the LORD sayeth:

As there is duality in human nature, the capacity for god’s own creations to choose to do wrong (to act outside of god, in evil) is evidence of god’s capacity to create evil. The very fact that his creations have free will implies that were it not for god creating life, there would be no evil.

But I don’t think god is evil. I think the moral constructs people use to describe good and evil are too simplistic or too native to the human experience to be projected onto a divine being credited with creating everything we have known or will know. Such a hypothetical entity would be indescribable to us.

-Vlad 32:21

Vlad did nothing wrong.

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.


Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

I don't why he deleted his post. It was from the book of Vlad 32:21 and quite salient.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Because I was trying to edit it but my fingers are too big for this right pussy of an edit button.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Ewww I didn't know you had fat fingers. Are they Cheetos stained?

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Yes. Very fat. Lots of Cheeto stains. Also I weigh 600lbs and an immobile. This is why I’m vlad.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

So the nude model thing that Monicah posted about was fake?

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

No. I angled my camera just right.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

I still go with the Deepfake theory.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

I go with the theory that people are making a bigger deal about it than it is. I’m not that exciting.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

You didn’t even see the deep fake I mean the web cam chat. You know nothing. Begone, witch.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

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Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Excellent post.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

Thank you, Heather.

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

You're welcome, Nigel.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: In my unlearned opinion, Satan is a better person that God.

God is better.

men are men and women are women.