The Walking Dead : Smartest posters on the board

Smartest posters on the board

This is probably going to create a bit of a ****-storm. On the other hand, it might be a damp squib. Smartness, I will suggest, must include an ability to express oneself lucidly and plausibly as well as a certain minimal capacity to avoid making too many enemies.

My own list is as follows:

(In no particular order) Corwin, Bee, Horatio, Jacky, Rouge, Klam, Rob

Hon. mention: Styg, Rocket, Putin (Vlad), Snow, Penny, Gameboy, Leopold, Sophie, TSP, Erica, Morris, hungry, America (whoever he is), Buscemi.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

lol what a dimwit


Re: Smartest posters on the board

Come on. Go ahead and order them!

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I second the motion. Perhaps wait until this thread plays out and then rank the actors from most intelligent to least.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

These are human beings, Horatio! They're not pizzas.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

If you order us, I promise we’ll all come in 30 minutes or less!

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Orgasms on demand!

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I was about to attack you for not including any right wing posters in your lineup but I just saw KKKlam is listed, along with Horatio.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Klam now says she's a libertarian. I suppose that's the new loony left? Or maybe it's the right. I always think of Nozick as right-wing.

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Re: Smartest posters on the board


Re: Smartest posters on the board

I'm offended that I'm merely an honorable mention.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I only saw you in your true (rational) colours when you were fighting the anti-BLM morons. Before that you were mainly sparring with Kirk and G. Not championship-level stuff.

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Re: Smartest posters on the board

That’s a good list.

"You had me at Elk Tartare"
-Erin Wotherspoon

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Thank you. I pride myself on the care and sensitivity with which I make these choices.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Your list is



Re: Smartest posters on the board

oh snap!

I'm a blob and I'm a fish.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Please submit a detailed list of objections in triplicate.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

The smartest posters probably made two posts ever and then realized their time was more productive elsewhere.

Us imbeciles are all that's left behind.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

That's a hypothesis, and a remarkably pessimistic one. Name names or gtfo!

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Re: Smartest posters on the board


Cum Here

Re: Smartest posters on the board


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Smartest posters on the board

i Am SOPhIe


Re: Smartest posters on the board

Kill yourself.

The Lion does not give a fuck. Bring. More. Sheep.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

You're such a grouch. At least you made it onto the list.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I’m flattered 🥺

come here

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I'm a million times smarter than like 2 of those people.

This list is bullshit.

Racism in the ether.

something revolution

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Which two? If I'm convinced I'll bump you up. Are you the Aussie dude, btw?

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Yeah, I'm the Aussie dude. yes.gif

I'm already tired of my own joke, they're probably all smarter than me laugh.gif

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I don't know half the people on this board. The fact that I left out that genius Russell Wilson already destroys any credibility I might have.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

usual circle jerk list.

Cum Here

Re: Smartest posters on the board

How dare you! Extensive interviewing took place and cvs were submitted.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Corwin, Bee, Horatio, Jacky, Rouge, Klam, Rob

Hon. mention: Styg, Rocket, Putin (Vlad), Snow, Penny, Gameboy, Leopold, Sophie, TSP, Erica, Morris, hungry, America (whoever he is), Buscemi.

I highlighted in red, just to show these are dumbest ones instead. I think you added those names, just for a cheap laugh and attention.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I gather you don't like the GoT posters and some of the soapboxers. But what on earth do you have against Horatio???

Re: Smartest posters on the board


Re: Smartest posters on the board

Awwwwwwwww i believe it's in order and you think I'm smarter than horatio (leave me to my delusions)!!! love10.gifcooldance2.gif


Re: Smartest posters on the board

I've decided to place the two of you in a tie, after Corwin. So you get to share the silver with Horatio! Cheers!

He has terrifying robotic smarts. You have emotional intelligence and empathy coming out the wazoo.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

That's extremely flattering -to me. Horatio's probably livid. Thanks, b.

You three are obviously my top three

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Christina should be on the list too!

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I have to make up my mind about Christina. She's possibly far more intelligent than I am, and is trolling everyone.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Lol i definitely think she's trolling. But it confuses me so i just observe from afar like it's a performance art piece

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Same here. I'm waiting for her to emerge into sardonic self-revelation and take over the board!

Re: Smartest posters on the board

But i remember her posting the same way back on imdb years ago. I don't think she'll ever break character

Re: Smartest posters on the board

This is a terrifying board! Maybe Russell will turn out to be Spec's sock. He wants to demonstrate how stupid the right can be without actually being dead….

Re: Smartest posters on the board

It's the only explanation.

Russel had already admitted he was trolling though. He told rouge his jokes were in poor taste. Which makes sense since he wasn't listening to what anyone said. Once he conceded that i stopped engaging with him. It's racist trolling plain and simple, and that's gross normally but in light of current events i think it's unforgivable.

Movieman, unfortunately, seems serious. But he's never appeared to really have it together. Always coming into threads he doesn't understand to say he doesn't get it -usually with a none face or giveup emoji lol

Re: Smartest posters on the board

I don't know. I think they may be equally stupid, and share about one whole thought a week. To troll at all you need some intelligence, and they have shown no evidence of this. I think they pretend to be trolling. Otherwise it would be too shocking to everyone's sensibilities.

Re: Smartest posters on the board

Lol that's probably true