Excision : So…..what's the takeaway?

So…..what's the takeaway?

What are we supposed to glean from this movie? What's the moral? That teens showing disturbing signs should get clinical help right away? Or?

Re: So…..what's the takeaway?

I'm not sure there is a 'takeaway' or why, indeed, there has to be one. I simply took the story on face value. An obviously odd teenage girl from a dysfunctional family veering toward an appalling conclusion.

Re: So…..what's the takeaway?

It just seemed with the heavy visuals that there was some hidden meaning or symbolism to the movie, that I'm not getting. But maybe it just was just a disturbing slice of life movie. :)

Re: So…..what's the takeaway?

I think that's just it - an original fresh horror movie that appealed to more than jure gore fans.

My xfinity blurb on this movie was that it was a coming of age story - lolwhich is true actually in a way.

Very similar in feel to May for me. Just a study of a social outcast, and how they go through life. It's very interesting.


Re: So…..what's the takeaway?

If you have a weird kid, explain that one requires a heart/lung bypass machine before one can even begin to think about the likelihood of a DIY lung transplant surgery being successful?

That's what I got from it, at least.