Dear White People : So… THIS is how backwards Burgerville is

So… THIS is how backwards Burgerville is

First they elect an overt bigot as their duke dunce now they're making no bones about being hung up on the melanin levels of the skin. Dang! talk about the Internet shining a scathing light on the lies of a nation!

I'd really like to see U.$. stripped of all its armipotence one day, and left to fend for itself without the crutch of waging false wars to prop up its fiat currency. The place is clearly the nation time forgot a veritable time capsule of about 200 years ago and it would likely genocide itself within a generation, were it left to its own devices.

PS: This i.e., programs / films like this and the controversy fomented thereof is why IMDb is shutting down its message boards. That is to say, they do not want counter-narratives to whatever the agendum du jour being pushed is.

Re: So… THIS is how backwards Burgerville is

It's effing crazy that the Jews are so afraid of the rise of the ones that are red pilled on the JQ that they're making the memes literally come alive. The "oy vey, shut it down!" meme is in effect on IMDB. No more free discussion boards. The Jews are shutting it down because it's "problematic".

Re: So… THIS is how backwards Burgerville is

the 'oy vey!' meme

In 'celebration' of his return, I posted a neutral, observational thread (at the applicable actor's forum page) on Mel Gibson's effective banishment from the filmic arts, and how this reflected poorly on the Jewry that run Hollywood (i.e., that they are their own worst enemies, by renforcing the 'vindictive and petty Jew' meme).

A few days latter, all my thread (for the time this account has existed) were wiped.
