Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi : Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

They say things come in 3s, apparently stupid decisions as well

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Only the last was a stupid decision.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

kaledorkin is the reason IMDB shut down the boards!

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

You wish!

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

As poor as IMDb's decision is, we'll move on without these boards. Nothing supersedes the stupidity of America voting for and electing Trump POTUS. Voting against your best interests is the epitome of developmental disability. Make no mistake Trump works for the corporations and the fossil-fuel industry, not the American people. If they don't already understand their monumental stupidity Trump voters never will. Generations will suffer because of their decisions. Not saying Hillary was a great choice, it's just that in comparison to Trump she was far and away the best choice.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Make no mistake Trump works for the corporations and the fossil-fuel industry, not the American people.

The American people make up corporations and the fossil-fuel industry. There's a reason that the future corporate dystopia as depicted in Blade Runner never happened.

Not saying Hillary was a great choice, it's just that in comparison to Trump she was far and away the best choice.

Only if you thoroughly enjoy unfettered corruption, supremely confident incompetence, and the inherent ignorance that leftist ideology inevitably breeds.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

One of these things is not like the others.

I have come from the future to terminate the IMDB message boards.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board


Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.

Post deleted

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Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Brexit was the right decision. Trump and imdb shutdown not so much

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Trump was definitely the right decision, as is evidenced by his Executive Orders thus far. It's too bad he has so much uneducated leftist obstruction to tolerate.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

No, the right decision is to not vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. There are better third party options than those two, but the two party system is far up everyone's butts!

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

I many ways, Trump was the third party option.

For decades he was known as a New York liberal and had relationships with the Clintons.

And the establishmentarian Reublicans and other assorted RINOs hated him, many thinking he was running specifically to hand the election to Hillary.

I'm not saying he's perfect.

But he's certainly much better than any Marxist any day.

Besides. I'm of the mind that out of 45 Presidents, we've really only had 4 or 5 good ones. The rest have been either inconsequential placeholders for the next d-bag, or just crap.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Maybe Stein was the best candidate, but no way was she going to get elected in the current system.

I have come from the future to terminate the IMDB message boards.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Cry some more for me snowflake. I love the taste of libtard tears.

dies ist meine unterschrift

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

They are yummy and sweet.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

Trump declared IMDb to be fake discussion boards and a disaster, so its demise was only a matter of time.
Get in line.

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

One of these things does not go together,
One of these things is not the same,
One of these things is not like the other,
Now it's time to play this game!
It's time to play this game!

Re: Brexit, Trump, now IMDB closing down message board

I don't see the correlation. 2 stupid decisions and one very smart one.

February 20th can't come soon enough!