Ron E. Rains : This guy was great in….

This guy was great in….

The Shining.

One of the better child actors I've ever seen. I was always sad to hear about what Kubrick did to him, and his subsequent kidnapping of Patty Hearst.

Excited to see him break into the fantasy genre,though.

I hope for the best, Ron! Remember, if the going gets rough, "a bristlethore is not born with his dragon. He earns it, even if he has to strangle every gloom fairy in Toranda!"

Re: This guy was great in….

Thanks, mahuronsanity.

To be clear, Peter K. Rosenthal is a character I play for The Onion who claims to have played Danny in 'The Shining'. He is not me and I am not him. The actor who played Danny in The Shining is Danny Lloyd (

Thanks for being a Peter Rosenthal fan.


Ron Rains

Re: This guy was great in….

Whoa, he replied to you.
Mr. Rains, you're awesome.

I'm H.E Pennypacker. A wealthy Industrialist, Philanthropist and Bicyclist.

Re: This guy was great in….

Thanks. I credit The Onion's amazing writers.

Re: This guy was great in….

Haha, Rains acting was just too brilliant there