Pearl Mackie : What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

She will be the ugliest companion in the entire history of Dr. Who ! I'm so disappointed with this decision. She's literally the polar opposite of Jenna Coleman

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

The only people that watch Doctor Who because the companions happen to be pretty are sexist misogynistic *beep* or mean girls that haven't figured out how to grow up yet. So what they were probably thinking was that wow this person can act, she'd be brilliant for the companion we have in mind and intelligent fans will have a personal opinion of her based on her characteristics and performance.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

OP is a rightwinger (see Macgyver post) who has also called Lisa Bonet an ugly B****. once again proving most right wingers are ignorant bitter simpletons. When you think Ann Coulter and Mary Matalin are attractiveyour opinion is basically laughable. Stick to watching FOX news..this show clearly isn't for you.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. W
ho ?

gavin, you're an idiot. I've been watching since 1977. She's ugly, I'm talking distractingly hideous.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

I don't watch MacGyver, you self centered liberal jackass.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Also the ugliest companion in the history of Doctor Who? Well I wouldn't have called Kamelion attractive as he was an android and all but hey If It works for you.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Ms. Mackie is beautiful. Stop spouting trash OP.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Beautiful ?111c Are you on drugs ?

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

No i am not. Ms. Mackie is beautiful.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

You're obviously on drugs. Grace Kelly is beautiful, Pearl Mackie is not. Her character is no Martha, that's for sure.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

No i am not on drugs. You are a moronic *beep* though.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

.and you have the taste of a neanderthal.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Like I said, the taste of a neanderthal.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Nothing matters when it c2000omes from a blind neanderthal. Nothing. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous. You're probably so ugly that when you were born your Daddy bought your Mama some pampers, and a dog collar. Did your older sibling take you to school for " show and tell, " only nobody could tell, because you were so hideous, nobody would believe it ? Is the sound of a can opener opening Kal-Kan your ring tone ? Were you the only child in Kindergarten nicknamed " It ? " Sorry, I'm bored. Just busting your ballz. I really could care less about Pearl Mackie. I'm more concerned about A) Who's taking over Dr. Who after this season, and B) Who will play the Doctor ? Have a good night, and Happy New Year from your Friendly Neighborhood Troll.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Not quite. When I get bored I troll. I can't help it. You have to understand, it's pretty damn funny to listen to people who are more emotionally invested in fiction than they are in their own lives. Have you have to really take the time to appreciate these people, and what better way than to continually irritate them ? Trolling in 2016 should be considered an art form.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

^^^ Moron entering 2017 by still going full retard.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Don't piss off people you don't know kid.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

They were thinking their usual left wing, tree hugging, BBC POLITICALLY CORRECT, "oooo arn't we diverse" crap, anything to appease the whinging Lenny Henry.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Never mind her looks. Rose wasn't attractive either with her buck teeth and cringey romance with the 10th doc. I wanna know if this chick can act coz the preview of her was far from impressive. Karen was gorgeous but she sucked as Amy Pond. Her delivery was horrible despite her good storyline.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

I thought Rose was stunning. To each his own. However, I do feel that if people (men)think that the Dr's Companion should be hot, I think the doctor should be hot too - get rid of ole yucky Capaldi, and give us a hot doctor!

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

I thought we had gotten rid of people like you who base their opinions on Doctors and Companions on their looks.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Shame we couldnt get rid of folk like you who spout PC crap and are destroying the UK

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

You poor, naive soul. Grow the hell up. The whole world runs on what people look like. I'm not saying that's right, it's just the way it is. I'm disappointed because as a long time ( 35 years ) Doctor Who fan, I know that ratings are what keep the show running. The kids will not watch this show unless hot, young, girls are the companions. Ratings have also went down since Capaldi took over because of this. Stupid, to be sure, but that's the way it is. The 17 to 39 year old market determines the b6dget of a show, and how long it stays on. Personally, for once I'd like to see an alien companion, but good luck with tha idea. It would also be nice to ditch companions altogether

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

There was nothing wrong with Rose. You must be gay.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

I think she looks pretty good. Definetly better than Billie Piper and Catherine Tate.
One thing's for certain, she looks way better than the last two doctors.

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

It's just like the PC BBC to cast a mixed race female - what else did we expect of left leaning publicly funded broadcaster!

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

Who gives a damn what her race is ? If they cast a woman, I would just like her to be attractive. This woman is not, then again Kate Upton couldn't pull off that hairdoIt could definitely be the hair. Her iMDB picture almost looks like a different person.I guess I've just been spoiled by the beauty of Martha, Clara ( be still my beating heart ) Rose, Amy, ( be still my beating heart part 2 ) Romana, Sarah Jane, Leela, and Tegan. ( Be still my beating heart part 3. )

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

They were thinking of Minnie Pearl and Mackie's ice cream and they got her. So what's the big problem?

Re: What were they thinking hiring her for Dr. Who ?

They needed to be PC. No thanks. I stopped watching a couple of years ago. This show is nonsense and nothing like the old series. Bye bye!