Nick Robinson : Nick Robinson…I'm 31 and hAve a major crush on this guy

Nick Robinson…I'm 31 and hAve a major crush on this guy

Is it bad that I'm 31 and have. Major crush on this guy? I know he's legal but damnhe's one of the hottest actors todayi find myself watching Jurassic world a lot.and I mean a lot

Re: Nick Robinson…I'm 31 and hAve a major crush on this guy

Well, I'm 36. And a guy. So I think I have you beat. He's beautiful. Very VERY easy to look at! He has perfect facial structure!

Oh, and one more thingyou just read my signature.

Re: Nick Robinson…I'm 31 and hAve a major crush on this guy

Don't feel bad! I'm close to you in age, but I've got a sizable crush on him too. It's gotten to the point that I even watch episodes of Melissa & Joey on occasion.

For all of my fangirl life, I've had older friends who liked younger actors (and I mean younger by 20+ years, not the 10 years you & I are struggling with right now) I always had to convince them it wasn't weird to like younger actors. Now I get to convinceb68 myself!

Besides, like you said, he's legal. It's not like we're crushing on a 16 year old. THAT would be weird.

Re: Nick Robinson…I'm 31 and hAve a major crush on this guy

Nick has the look of the boy that everyone crushed on in high school. He looks like the high school quarterback who really was a nice guy. That is why we are crushing on him now. It's a sentimental attraction.

Re: Nick Robinson…I'm 31 and hAve a major crush on this guy

No, it's not weird. I wrote a similar post about this on here a while back ago when I first saw "Jurassic World" There's something about him that is appealing even to ladies who are a bit older.

I don't think about him everyday or anything like that lol, but I guess you could call it a mini-crushsort of like I will check to see what projects he has lined up every now and then, and if I see him in a film I'll think how cute he is :).

Another young actor who has this effect on me is Dylan O'Brien. I'm in my 30's too (35 to be exact), and both of them are handsome young guys imo.

I don't think it's weird really. You recognize a nice-looking guy. What's wrong with that?
