Days of Our Lives : WILL she take him back, or not??

WILL she take him back, or not??

Kate and Eduardo..

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Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

Let me put it this way I wouldn't miss A Martinez a bit if he weren't on the show.

Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

I agree, Eduardo is useless. I gave him every chance too.


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Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

of coursethat is a main driver and drawcard in the show.

all those new kidsurgghI don't even know who they are or pay any attention to them..

Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

I hope she dumps him. I liked A Martinez years ago, but on this show, he just isn't working. He and Kate don't seem matched well at all.


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Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

No, I do admit that it is not a dynamite match in chemistry..

there seems more strange electricity Andre and her, than Eduardo..

Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

I hope not. I like Kate and don't want to have to fast forward scenes with her.

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Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

WHAT is WITH these incessant deletions ?

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Re: WILL she take him back, or not??

RU going to just keep repeating that, over and over ?