A Countess from Hong Kong : About people bashing this film

About people bashing this film

With all this bashing and the "wrong decade" argument i decided to watch this and i must say it's not bad at all. What "wrong decade" are you talking about this is a story supposed to happen in the beginning of the 1900s, and it sticks to that era. Get over it. You expected Chaplin to become "modern"? Sure I can see the bad chemistry between Brando/Loren and the scenario is rather simple. It's just a light romance/comedy with charlie adding his trademark humor in it. It's not a movie to be taken seriously either, chill out and watch Sofia looking better than ever.

Re: About people bashing this film

Umm, it's obviously 1960s , not the beginning of the 1900s. Loren's character was born in Hong Kong to her Russian refugee parents which puts the setting just right.

Re: About people bashing this film

Yeah, it's not a particularly bad movie.

It's certainly not must-see Chaplin material though.

I mentioned it to my mother and she remembers seeing it when it first came out in 1967! (She's a fan of both Brando and Loren. She had completely forgotten it was directed by Chaplin.)

She remembered it because when she saw it, she hadn't been to the movies for a while. (My brother was born late in 1965 and with two kids (me born in 1964) she didn't get out much for quite a while.) She remembers enjoying it. She was surprised when I said it has a reputation for being a bad movie. She doesn't remember anything about reading or hearing that it was a colossal bomb when it first came out.

Janet! Donkeys!

Re: About people bashing this film

also, no way is sofia looking better than ever in this, her skin is pale and she's wearing baggy clothes most of the movie. some rough cutting, and at one point the changing of scenes looked like when a tv movie breaks for commercial. though she looks better on the cover and the dvd meny, and sophia hasn't exactly got dogs around her in this movie, still it's funny how she really stands out. the funniest scene of the movie i thought was the one with margaret rutherford, the granny from the old black and white "murder she said" movies that tcm airs, i didn't know who that was first time i saw this. unexpected the hitchcock actress tippi hedren showing up when the movie is close to over, and she gets big credit for that part. considering the stars and this being an easy accessed movie, i didn't expect this board to have such little buzz on it.

youre trouble and i want no part of it,
as you seduced till i forgot it,
resisted till the passion from your hotness,
threw your hair and played with treat,
till you got your claws in me,
and for you i reached.
