Snowpiercer : I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

There is no way that ended well. If they can see the bear and the bear sees them, that bear sees supper.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

If the bear is actually hungry at that time yes. These creatures eat to live not live to eat.

I've baited my hook with my own underwear. Is it wrong that I hope to catch a fish I can relate to?-Ragdoll.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

I'm tempted to say that if so, they deserved it for being in such a stinking pile of dog crap movie. But that would be cruel.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

Polar Bears don't eat people, this is just a myth that people propagate because they think of bears as some kind of monster. Now granted if there were nothing else to eat it may come down to it but it seems like:
a. A tiny (child) human would not give the bear much food anyway. Bears survive on the blubber and skin of seals, and a [relative] extremely lean human would do little for them nutritionally.
b. The bear looks pretty healthy and is full grown meaning their must also already be a food source for them, one of which is not humans as there are none left (and again humans would not provide the blubber required to keep a bear in that kind of shape).
c. Bears don't eat people!

Humans are simply not a food source for bears, especially the polar variety. Not every living animal that's smaller than another one, is a food source for the larger one. Just as bears co-habitate with other animals they don't eat, sharks do the samesharks don't eat or try to eat every damn fish they find, just because they're the apex predator of the ocean. Humans do the same toowe don't keep dogs and cats to eat them now do we?

Bears have been known to attack humans sure, particularly if they feel threatened (or simply being around cubs), but use them as food source? Not a chance. Could the bear perhaps attack/kill the kids? Yes. Perhaps. To go after them for food? C'mon that's just human propaganda about bears.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

if bears don't eat people then why are they a danger for people. that's stupid. they KILL people for whatever reason. they have and always have.

and a polar bear, while representing the left wingers viewpoint of humanity nowadays, are maneaters.

The Fearmakers Blog

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

Right you are. Let's see. I need to get off this train to nowhere but it's 49 below and I've got no food! Maybe I eat the bear? Oh no!! I think it's going to eat me .. Sayonara cruel train/world

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

No question. It might as well have licked its lips and gone "Mmm!" right before the credits rolled.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

Humans eat humans??? No. So why the fk polar bear wouldnt eat a human under that condition

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

Well, the polar bear didn't charge at them, so maybe it truly wasn't hungry. The next question now is whether they can find other people to help continue the human race.

"The storm cannot be stopped, but it can be survived.'"

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

Polar bears definitely would eat a human if given the opportunity.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

What the bear saw was an avalanche and a massive train wreck. Things that would scare the hell out of a wild animal. The bear does not seem to notice the survivors or change his course.

The screenwriter says that he saw it as a "hopeful" ending.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

And if the bear did not eat them they were dead anyway. They are in an environment they know nothing about without any supplies. Even the best of the Arctic and Antarctic explorers were vastly better equipped and knowledgeable that these two and a great many of them froze to death.

Re: I'm pretty sure that polar bear ate those two kids

No doubt the only other survivors were some of the ones munged out on that drug.

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