Arrow : I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Reporter

I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Reporter

Maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention to the show when I watch. Maybe I'm going blind. But honest to God, when Oliver was in bed with the Reporter (I don't feel like looking up her name) I thought it was Dinah; and my first thought was, "well, that escalated quickly" Then I remembered that he was supposed to be dating the Reporter - because I forgot that was a plot point - and I'm like, damn, he's cheating on the Reporter with Dinah, which is quintessential Oliver Queen; totally something he'd do in the comics.
Then the next scene comes up where the Reporter is meeting with whomever; and it dawns on me that it was the Reporter all along.

"You can lead a hearse to water, but you can't make it sink." The Cat

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Reporter

They look very different to me

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

They did look similar in some scenes. Probably a matter of lighting and camera angles.

You're suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Probably a matter of lighting and camera angles.

possibly. but i kept thinking why is the reporter with them in russia? definitely confusing that these two look alike. i'll be pleased as soon as the reporter relationship is shut down. we KNOW she's a traitor and who likes her or even remembers her name?

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

I confused the Reporter for Dinah as well.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Reporter

I had trouble as well

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

They look quite different to me but I admit the scene in bed was a little confusing because there was not a transition, so it seems like Oliver was still in Russia

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Good to know I'm not crazy; or at least that this isn't proof

Goodbye, Farewell, Amen

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Not to,mention Talia in those flashbacks as well. Get another blonde or red head maybe, all brunettes

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Talia looks very different. Sure Dinah and the reporter have similarities, yet Talia bears no resemblance.

This is heaven. Right here. We're in it now.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Yeah, Talia is as different you can get among brunettes until Willa comes back from her HBO series. That being said, I like that there are a lot of brunettes, now. LOL Though if anyone still has problems, just look for the blonde-ish tips on Dinah's hair. :)

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

What is Willa doing on HBO?

This is heaven. Right here. We're in it now.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Unclear. LOL All I know is she has a project, which is why she hasn't been in episodes this season.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

I wondered why she had gone missing; they never really explained it. I hope its a good show, for her sake.

This is heaven. Right here. We're in it now.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

At the very least, I hope she's having fun and getting paid. :)

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Why do people think she can just take off and do another project during the filming of Arrow. All these actors have a commitment to put Arrow first during the filming season. Its in their contract.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Because it's not uncommon for a show to give an actor special consideration that allows them to do another short term project, if the actor approaches the producers or whomever and asks if they can work something out. It's not a given, especially if it's someone crucial to the show; it's doubtful we'd ever see Stephen Amell given an extensive break from the show during a season, so he could do a movie or some other series, but they invariably figured they could make due without Willa for an extended period, without it disrupting the show too much; and it hasn't. Their contracts just mean the show gets first crack at them, it doesn't mean they have to be used no matter what, or that they can't give them time off if so inclined. Just this year Legends did that with Arthur Darville (Rip); he was gone for most of this season's episodes so far. Many shows you can find instances of contract actors not appearing for entire episodes, or even several episodes in a row. Towards the end of How I Met Your Mother, Jason Segel's movie career was starting to take off, and they did a lot of special scheduling to allow him to be gone for parts of their production week; even meaning him being absent for read throughs. In the last season they shot a large chunk of his performance and contrived a really stupid arc with him driving across country for almost half the season; just so he could film most if not all of his episodes in a much shorter span of time.

Goodbye, Farewell, Amen

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

At a Monday press screening of this weeks weighty, Rene-centric episode, co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim accounted for Theas here-and-there presence.

Everyones like, Wheres Thea? Wheres Thea? Willas [contracted for] 14 out of 23 episodes this year, Guggenheim revealed. Shes not in all 23. Thats not her contract. Weve had to write around that.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

I was wondering if there was a reason Thea hadn't been seen the last several episodes. It kind of supports my thought though from earlier in the season, that they should have reversed the roles between Thea and Quinton, by having Thea be the one develop a substance abuse problem of some kind; with Quinton seeing the signs and confronting her and lending her support, perhaps with Oliver oblivious because of everything else he has going on. Lance helps get her into rehab, while Oliver adds another nail to his own proverbial cross for not seeing it or being the one to help her when it counted. It would have also paralleled the comics where Roy became an addict and Oliver didn't catch on right away.

Goodbye, Farewell, Amen

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

What is the problem with all brunettes?

I am brunette myself, perhaps that is why I have zero problem sorting them out. Besides, I've known Lexa Doig (Talia) for many years so I can't confuse her with anyone.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Throw them together and have them fight and you can't tell. From the back too

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

yeah that got me too and I saw your thread before I watched the episode. but the voices are different enough to help me quickly tell who's who.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

You're right.

When the team landed in Russia I was under the impression Oliver had told the Reporter he was Green Arrow because she was there with them. I had to rewind the show and see the if the revelation occurred in the previous scene.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

Does that reporter have a sister? Because I hear he is really into sisters.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

They should've cast Katee Sackoff as the new Black Canary. I mean we already have Katie and Caity. Why not a Katee who can act AND look believable.

The Emperor has no clothes.

Re: I honestly couldn't tell the difference between Dinah and the Report

They are easy to tell apart. Tina is the attractive one.

No offence to Carly Pope. She's a good actress, but it's clear as day that they made her character to be Oliver's love interest so that the Olicity/Felicity fangirls wouldn't feel threatened.