Seinfeld : React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Once again Antonio, I can't even begin to say how deeply, deeply sorry I am about everything. The job, the cat..the lamp.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Well, I don't really give a

Why do they give out letter jackets to marching band? It's not a sport! We all know it!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

That's dynamite.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Is this a joke?

"You gotta punch the clock, why don't you punch your boss?"

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

That's what I'd like to know about it.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

We're takin' it (down) a notch!

"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote


"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

He's beboppin' and scattin' and I'm losin' it!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Let me ask you this, if you stick your hand in the hair, is it easy to get it out?

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Sweet fancy Moses!

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsZxsZxsZxsZXs" - Frank Grimes

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

"Stop crying Georgie, and fight your father!"

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Well, that's peculiar.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

It's like that episode of the Twilight Zone where the guy wakes and he's the same but everyone else is different.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Which episode was that?

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

They were all like that.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Kudos, Donald, on a jobdone.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

"This is Donald."

"What's your story?"

"I-I-I have no story."

"She works for NBC."

"How about taking your top off?"

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

The nation was angry that day my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.

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Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Serenity now, insanity later.

Game of Thrones - Best Show on TV

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

"Well, let's start the insanity."

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

only in new york!

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote


Jim Morrison

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Yada Yada.

You Yada Yada'd over the best part.

I mentioned the hair

By the way, these quotes are all great. The intelligence on this board stupefies me at times!

"More cowbell!"Christopher Walken

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Hire this man!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

That's a shame.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

I suppose if I had voted 3rd party, you'd all be patting me on the back.

"Get out here, son! There's a doin's a transpirin'!!"

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

*Mistakenly tugs at Larry David's coat*

Don't go Berniedon'tgo.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

"Wait. Elaine will settle this. What's the 'J' stand for in Donald J. Trump?"


"I told you so. He said it was Jingles. You owe me a dinner."

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote


(can't believe no one did that one)

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Thanks for ruining my daddy's business, you fat f!ck.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

No Soup for You! Next!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

DeepFriedJello, who's the head of the Aryan Union, you or me? And who's responsible for making hate mongering and fascism popular again?

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

it's real and it's spectacular

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Hey, I am not here for rage, I'm here for revenge!!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

I will never understand people.

"You gotta punch the clock, why don't you punch your boss?"

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

I will never understand people

They're the worst.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

NEWMAN: Anything you wish.. I'll tell you a little secret about presidential polls; They're meaningless!


Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Donald Trump: "Just remember, America: It's not a lie if you believe it."

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

NEWMAN: Anything you wish.. I'll tell you a little secret about presidential polls; They're meaningless!

Pretty much why I'm abstaining from all cable tv news, a buncha deadbeats.

Why do they give out letter jackets to marching band? It's not a sport! We all know it!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

I get all my information from newspapers attached to huge wooden sticks.

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

I believe that's what you do with wooden sticks, EINSTEIN!

"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

What you do?! You don't do anything!

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

I like to get the Daily News!

"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Well, aren't you something?

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

"Not that there is anything wrong with that"

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Oh help me Rhonda!

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

Donald Trump: "And the Jews steal our money through their Zionist occupied government and use the black man to bring drugs into our oppressed white minority communities."

Who knew Larry David could predict the future so accurately?

Re: React to Trump being elected president using a Seinfeld quote

This guythis is not my kinda guy.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride

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