Beyoncé : Do the grammys really mean anything?

Do the grammys really mean anything?

But like, seriously? You're trying to get all political over a stupid award show that means NOTHING!?

Re: Do the grammys really mean anything?

A Grammy is the biggest music award an artist can receive in the US.

You wouldn't regard the Grammy's as unimportant if Madonna had won in one of the main four categories like MJ, Whitney, Tina, Cyndi and George M. You would love the Grammy's if they'd done that just like you'd love the Oscars if they'd nominated her, lol. Madonna didn't win for You Must Love Me. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, the writers, did.

At least Beyonce has been nominated for Album of the Year four times and Song of the Year three times. Madonna has only mustered one nomination for Album of the Year. A nomination for Song of the Year (awarded for excellence in songwriting) has always eluded her.

Re: Do the grammys really mean anything?

What does Madonna have to do with any of this? She sure stays on your mind.