American Horror Story : Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

She was soooooo annoying. I have to fast-forward any part where she's crying hysterically in front of a camera. Half of the episode is of her crying So annoying.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season


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Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Cool dude.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

IMDb member since November 2016

Total Posts: 1

Hi vicklund.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Nope, just someone who doesn't understand why anyone responded in the first place if only to make fun of the original post. And yes, I am a noob.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

So you got yourself a new account today just to post an old meme. Too obvious, Vick.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I promise I'm not Vicklund. Haha I'm just late to this message board thing.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

And yes, I am a noob.

I'm an adult, I would never use that word.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I use n00b depending on how childish I'm feeling at the time. Same with n00d, and b00b/bewb. W00t.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Yikes. I'm so much of a "newb" that I used the wrong word.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I wasnt replying to you

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

But I was replying to you, so.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Your reply to me makes zero sense.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Being a video game developer for the last twelve years now, I've been exposed to that word way more than any person ever should be. I can't say it or read it now without cringing hard.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

That's understandable.

I wonder when Vick will figure out how to talk to his sock at the same time.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I'm assuming he forgot his password when he went to log back in to his vicklund account. He'll probably be back once he gets the e-mail to reset it.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

LMAO. I thought exactly the same thing.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Looks like both passwords are now lost.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

lol k - your intelligence is just seeping through these boards. nah, you're stupid af :) kthxbai

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

you're stupid af

Sorry I don't speak millennial. What's an AF?

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I love how he responded to himself.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

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Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

All I see is "Post Ignored" :) K? Bye Dude! Hahahaha You're probably a Trump Suppoter

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

It's probably for the best that you don't see the horribly embarrassing links I'm posting about you. For your sake.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Ironically your kind of attitude it what I would expect from a Trump supporter.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Why the sudden influx of angry newbs lately?

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Doesn't this happen right after a season ends? I haven't been here that long to know for sure.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

qrisp might remember better. I thought the sock accounts usually swanned in during the season.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I'd say maybe too much of her.

Felt the same about Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men DOFP.

She's good. I like her. Maybe a little less though.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Thank you for your response. It's very nice. I can only imagine what these other

would say if they could read and write What NOOBS.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I found the same thing. She sounded like a cow giving birth to a load of razor blades. Distractingly bad accent as well. She seemed to remember she was supposed to be British about every fifth word.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Thank you guys for such intelligent and well thought out responses. Unlike the posts I can't see, but I can only imagine the following:

"Poster Ignored"

I'm a stupid idiot and I like men.

"Poster Ignored #2"

Man, I wish I had friends, but my having sex with my stuffed animals is getting boring. I guess it's back to inbreeding with my sister!

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Do you often fantasise about porking your stuffed animals and screwing your sister?

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

It's all starting to make sense now; you're either stupid or a foreigner. You're a clever one though! Since I was the one who said you were basically the one FANTASIZING over that. The lack of intelligence is baffling. Reminds me of a rock, but a rock where all of his rock friends banded together to rid you of their rock colony because it's not like you're just restating the exact same thing back to me! That's MESMERIZING.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

How can I be stupid and clever at the same time? That's quite miraculous. Now go ask your mum for a cookie and a pat on the head. Now excuse me while I make a pot of tea then go in search of my rock colony to beg forgiveness.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Poster Ignored

I'm a stupid lonely idiot.

Me: I know you are :) It's okay, one day you'll find the right man for you! Stay in there champ!

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

one day you'll find the right man for you!

I found the right man for me quite some time ago

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Why all the beating around the bush, vick? You obviously want to talk to Qrispy and Dani because those are the ones you respond to.

Not today Satan, not today

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

If I truly wanted to talk to them, I wouldn't have them blocked. You're also incorrect as I have responded to the two intelligent posters to my thread. Thanks for watching for me though, Mom.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I'm a stupid idiot and I like men.

I have been known to say that.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

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Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

It was kind of funny that she kept repeating "Oh My God"! I was thinking if she says that one more time I'm going to scream!! LOL!

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

I got to agree, It seemed non-stop. I like her but that constant flippin' noise. I was celebrating prematurely in ep 8? when she got knocked down the stairs and the noise briefly stopped I actually said "thank god for that".
what the f were they thinking? so annoying.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

It was great. It was supposed to be annoying. You seem to be missing quite a bit. The OP is also a dickbag troll so you got trolled. Well done.

Re: Sarah Paulson Was the Worst this Season

Do you really have to defend the show against every opposing view?

I get that she was supposed to be annoying, but I didn't like her or find her enjoyable at all as a character.

My opinion.. and I'm sure it's one others share. It doesn't mean someone is "missing quite a bit".