Eliza Dushku : QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being "AWESOME" and 1 being "TERRIBLE".
How would you yourself Rate Eliza Dushku's character "Faith" ?

For me, I most definitely would rate her a 10. What about everyone else ?

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

an 11 when she first shows up in buffy's life. and a 9-10 when she rejoins Team Scooby.


Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character 'Faith' ?

Five by five

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character 'Faith' ?

"Five by five"


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Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

Yeah. 11 when she first arrived on Buffy and when she was first on Angel too. Then 8 or 9 when she came back from prison.

ow would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

Hmm ? Its a BtVS character. I would rate them all 10/10.

You shall have no other Kates before Kate Winslet.

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

anybody else ?

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

10 - Faith is one of my favorite characters in the Buffy/Angel-verse.

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

Oh, she is definitely my own Number 1 Favorite character.
Heck, I actually thought Faith was a more fun character to watch than both Buffy and Angel were!

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

7, but that might be because of her German synchronization.
That said, I would have loved to see the planned spin-off with her. Kind of like Supernatural with a bad-ass biker girl instead of two brothers. Afaik Eliza decided to do Tru Calling instead (which might not have been the wisest choice, considering Supernatura5b4l has been on the air for the last 12 years).

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

When Eliza played Faith in Buffy and Angel she stole every scene

Class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

"When Eliza played Faith in Buffy and Angel she stole every scene"

Re: QUESTION - How would you Rate her Character "Faith" ?

anyone else ?