WWE Raw : I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
You're putting too much stock into people "losing clean" and getting "put over", when it comes down to it this is wrestling and outcomes will be questionable at times. The things Cena has done in the past has killed a lot of other wrestlers momentum, and he still has plenty of faults such as the Superman schtick, but he's a solid performer in the ring. Don't be swayed by others opinions of the man, if you feel like there's no reason to hate him then that's all that should matter.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Did he really lose clean tonight? I only saw about 5 minutes of the match, then had to do something. I am actually liking him too now. I never thought I would say that, I was a huge Cena hater. He has improved leaps and bounds in the ring and is excellent on the mic though. I think he just needs a good opponent to bring it out. His work with Styles has been excellent.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Thanks for the responses guys. Especially you NOVA. I hardly EVER let people influence my opinions or ways of thinking. Just take a look at the shi tty movies i like that no one else does lol. I have read stories about Cena that i didnt like. Namely his supposed "Burial" of the nexus. I mean did he really refuse to put them over or is just crap?
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
That's a good thing and yes it's true, Edge and Jericho talked about it on his podcast awhile back. His invulnerable booking is probably my biggest gripe with him, the dude cannot sell. Reigns has been overshadowing him in that department though.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Thanks man. I dont blame anyone for not wanting to job to like hornswoggle or ellsworth lol. But thats pretty chicken sh it to refuse to job to a legitimate threat just to cover your own ass. One of the many reasons i chose to dislike Cena. And i am going to pull a joker here and say he takes himself a liiiiitttllle to seriously lol.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Hate is a very strong word. Why bother hating someone that his company made be the way(s) that you hate him for? I grew sick and tired of those ways 10 years ago- ways that still go on today, but that doesn't mean I hate him.
He's been a blatantly obvious company golden boy, moreso than even Hulk Hogan was. They have continued to reward him for coo-operating with their desire to keep him as their golden boy by giving him all these title reigns and having him match Flair's record. Flair was no company's obvious golden boy. He wrestled all over in various promotions, even if he was under contract to be a regular performer in a specific one.
For so many years, He was the go-to guy to put in the heavyweight title matches, whether he ended up winning or not, and instead of WWE pushing any other deserving wrestler. There was no excuse for so many Cena vs Orton PPV matches, and Cena vs Edge happened at too many PPVs too. Even when he backed away from the heavyweight title scene for a while and held the U.S. title and tool breaks to do other projects, I knew it was probably too good to be true. The closer he got to his 16h reign, I knew they would probably end up having him go all the way up there.
Cena barely changed his look all these years. He has only gone from denim jorts to jorts of some other material. Big deal. He also stayed face all those years. No changeup at all to help fans stay interested in him. It's like WWE Thought even the slightest change would be too big a risk of a drop in his merchandise sales or Make A Wish requests.
I was tired of "hustle, loyalty and respect" years ago, and the fact that the "hustle" never made sense didn't help matters . I'm tired of "My time is now!" His time has been more than twice as long as Hogan's ever was -and it's still going. How long can one guy's time be, and how many more times will he be a WWE heavyweight champion? If WWE didn't so obviously adopt favorite stars and pamper them, and if Cena was only at his 12th reign now, and the next four would not be rushed, it wouldn't be so bad to see him in his 16th reign when it would finally come. All these paragraphs show why I wanted to puke when he won his 15th, and even more so his 16th, but that didn't mean I hated him. I am, however, mad at WWE. So I say there better not be 17th. Ever. Or no doubt, I really will puke and lose everything I ate that day.
He's been a blatantly obvious company golden boy, moreso than even Hulk Hogan was. They have continued to reward him for coo-operating with their desire to keep him as their golden boy by giving him all these title reigns and having him match Flair's record. Flair was no company's obvious golden boy. He wrestled all over in various promotions, even if he was under contract to be a regular performer in a specific one.
For so many years, He was the go-to guy to put in the heavyweight title matches, whether he ended up winning or not, and instead of WWE pushing any other deserving wrestler. There was no excuse for so many Cena vs Orton PPV matches, and Cena vs Edge happened at too many PPVs too. Even when he backed away from the heavyweight title scene for a while and held the U.S. title and tool breaks to do other projects, I knew it was probably too good to be true. The closer he got to his 16h reign, I knew they would probably end up having him go all the way up there.
Cena barely changed his look all these years. He has only gone from denim jorts to jorts of some other material. Big deal. He also stayed face all those years. No changeup at all to help fans stay interested in him. It's like WWE Thought even the slightest change would be too big a risk of a drop in his merchandise sales or Make A Wish requests.
I was tired of "hustle, loyalty and respect" years ago, and the fact that the "hustle" never made sense didn't help matters . I'm tired of "My time is now!" His time has been more than twice as long as Hogan's ever was -and it's still going. How long can one guy's time be, and how many more times will he be a WWE heavyweight champion? If WWE didn't so obviously adopt favorite stars and pamper them, and if Cena was only at his 12th reign now, and the next four would not be rushed, it wouldn't be so bad to see him in his 16th reign when it would finally come. All these paragraphs show why I wanted to puke when he won his 15th, and even more so his 16th, but that didn't mean I hated him. I am, however, mad at WWE. So I say there better not be 17th. Ever. Or no doubt, I really will puke and lose everything I ate that day.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Glad you're coming around a little lol.
Btw, anyone who thought it was Cena vs Orton at Mania, check SDs main event next week. Wyatt is winning the chamber.
Btw, anyone who thought it was Cena vs Orton at Mania, check SDs main event next week. Wyatt is winning the chamber.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
And, the way he just put over AJ on the mic was nothing short of pure class.
Sure it was classy but wasn't his promo the week before on AJ the complete opposite? And I'm not blaming Cena for it, but the WWE made AJ look weak by just having him stand there looking all sad after John's tirade against him last week. They should have had AJ either have a heated retort back on the mic, or done something heelish like a low blow. I really felt like they made AJ look quite weak heading into the Rumble and as the heel champion at the time, they really shouldn't have.
Think, McFly. Think!
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Sure it was classy but wasn't his promo the week before on AJ the complete opposite?
That's always been a problem with Cena. WWE clearly makes him out to be a sore loser and bad winner. AJ beat him twice. In a row. But Cena claims AJ's not on his level. But since Cena won, now he can put AJ over.
It was the same thing with Kevin Owens. KO beat Cena cleanly in their first match. But after Cena won their rematch, then he said Kevin belongs in WWE.
And sadly, now that Cena is champ, we're right back to status quo.
Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
It'd be hard to sell the PPV with Cena putting AJ over in his promos going into the Rumble.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
As someone who cant *beep* stand cena I for one have never had a problem with his 'in ring' work.. if anyone does actually have 3 or 5 moves of doom or whatever its called that title goes to reigns. Cena can go in the ring and does put on good matches.
My problem with cena is his character, the way he dreses like a teenager and the way he acts like the stereotype wigger from the 'pretty fly for a white guy' video. its just so embarrassing to watch.. it wasn't 'as' bad when he was a young man in his 20s but even then.. come on dude grow up and stop acting like a teenager trying to be hip hes what 40 odd now and still acting the same way.. at this point its just beyond embarrassing to watch him act the way he does.. hence why I have to fast forward every time he speaks.
My problem with cena is his character, the way he dreses like a teenager and the way he acts like the stereotype wigger from the 'pretty fly for a white guy' video. its just so embarrassing to watch.. it wasn't 'as' bad when he was a young man in his 20s but even then.. come on dude grow up and stop acting like a teenager trying to be hip hes what 40 odd now and still acting the same way.. at this point its just beyond embarrassing to watch him act the way he does.. hence why I have to fast forward every time he speaks.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
I think when BalorClub1991 came to this forum, he assumed we were all Cena-haters. He either got too overwhelmed and influenced by many of us non-haters, or he finally understands that Cena isn't such a bad guy after all.
Don't be swayed by others opinions of the man, if you feel like there's no reason to hate him then that's all that should matter.
I think the "wigger" (a term I hate) look and sound is what garnered him hate in the first place. Many white people hate when their own are into hip hop culture. Cena probably reminds them of the popular hip hopper they went to high school with - while they themselves listened to death metal (and rocked a ratty D-X or Austin 3:16 shirt).
My problem with cena is his character, the way he dreses like a teenager and the way he acts like the stereotype wigger from the 'pretty fly for a white guy' video. its just so embarrassing to watch.. it wasn't 'as' bad when he was a young man in his 20s but even then.. come on dude grow up and stop acting like a teenager trying to be hip hes what 40 odd now and still acting the same way.. at this point its just beyond embarrassing to watch him act the way he does.. hence why I have to fast forward every time he speaks.
His look is a little tacky, but it's easy to look past that. As far as behavior; he still acts his age. If anything, over the years he's sounded more southern (since he resides in Florida and is a Devil Rays fan). The guy also has sang songs like "Take Me Home, Country Road" at house shows, I don't know how that's trying to be "hip"?.
Giving you true posts since 2001 "Toot toot" - Charles Doyle Haas
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Many white people hate when their own are into hip hop culture. Cena probably reminds them of the popular hip hopper they went to high school with - while they themselves listened to death metal (and rocked a ratty D-X or Austin 3:16 shirt).
Not sure if you are referring to me with that comment or not but for one I am not white and secondly I also like hip hop.. albeit older hip hop from when a time it was actually good i probably used to dress a little hip hop too.. point is that was when i was like 15.. if i dressed that way now as a man in my 30s i would look ridiculous and rightly so be mocked for it.
As you grow older you do tend to change to reflect your age.. cena hasn't and he looks like an idiot everytime he comes out with his stupid cap and say glow t shirts.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
Maybe i was overwhelmed. Either way i came here with a biased closed minded mind set. Which is odd for me because. I am a democrat who hates Trump and strongly supports same sex marriage and am a religious agnostic. So I am usually pretty damn open minded lol. I just tend to dislike everything about Cena. I am not retracting my praise i gave to him in my OP. I just think the guy is very arrogant, out of touch and takes himself way to seriously.
Re: I am really hating Cena less and less each week…
I think he acts like a goofy dad kind of character, Teenagers do NOT act like John Cena these days, 15 years ago? Yes. Now? No.
I am really hating Cena less and less each week…