Last Man Standing : Skipped the Wedding?

Skipped the Wedding?

Apparently they skipped the whole wedding deal and went right to "moving in with the parents" thing?

Re: Skipped the Wedding?

You must have missed the episode with the wedding earlier this season. Here is the link to its page here on IMDb:


"You don't get something for nothing, you don't get freedom for free." Neil Peart

Re: Skipped the Wedding?

Seems like everyone misses this episode lol

Re: Skipped the Wedding?

Nope. You just missed that episode. To sum it up: Mandy acts like a spoiled, horrible bridezilla. That's pretty much the plot.

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."

Re: Skipped the Wedding?

But she also redeems herself.