Teen Mom 2 : Isaac is getting traumatized

Isaac is getting traumatized

His little brain can't process how one day when Javi left his family was together and when he comes back he has a whole new house that only has a room for Lincoln

"I never hear you speak and when you do you apologize for saving me?"

Re: Isaac is getting traumatized

That poor kid. He's so sweet, but Kail's pride is just hurting him.

Re: Isaac is getting traumatized

I thought the same thing! That poor kid. Now, the next guy Kail marries is going to have an even harder time connecting with Isaac because he won't want to get close to anyone for fear of them leaving. Good Lord. I hope they pay attention to his needs during all this. I know you can't stay together for the kids, but it's still sad.

Re: Isaac is getting traumatized

I felt so sad for Isaac. He is a sweet boy and his mother does not seem to be going out of her way to explain things to him.

Telling him in the truck that he will not have his own room was mean.

An there was no reason to make fun of the truck!! I was impressed that he got a truck and a place to live so fast.

Kail is a snotty bee-otch - she thinks she is so hot to trot!! The only reason she has the things she does is because of MTV and Javi.

Re: Isaac is getting traumatized

I agree that Kail is doing a poor job explaining things and she's not making the changes and transition in his life in a way he can understand. I feel like he'll think it's his fault that Javi left, like he did something wrong. All he hears is that Javi won't be living with them anymore, he has a different house, Lincoln can go see him but Isaac can't always go, and Lincoln will have his own room and Isaac won't.

Re: Isaac is getting traumatized

Ugh just reading this comment broke my heart. The whole situation is so sad.