Björk : Why does she look asian/eskimo?

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Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

if you look closely at her eyes they don't have that overlid appearance like how Asian's have. to me they just seem very slanted. Besides her eyes I don't understand why anyone would thing she's Asian. She doesn't have a yellow complexion, she's very pale and white.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

I have the answer. It is because of her mother. I saw a picture of her a few years back while browsing the net. She kind of looks like Cher (long black straight hair) and her eyes are definately interestingly shaped.
What is strange to me is how Bjork's new daughter bears no resemblance to her. She looks like an "all american girl". Here we were expecting a mini Bjork and how cute she would be.

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Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Erm.have you seen Barney. Her son shares some of her features aswell as his father's, that's kind of how it works.

Isadora has her nose, her lips, and a similiar facial structure.

Where you expecting an exact clone of Bjork?

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

her great great great great grandmother could have been like asian or something
i have a very distant native back ground and my cousin magically looking asain as well its random

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

im kinda like bjork only im not icelandic.
I'm 1/2Japanese and 1/2 puerto rican

my mom was japanese from her mom and puerto rican from her father but my mom looks italian or a caucasian girl with long slippery shiny black hair,and my dad was also puerto rican from his mom and japanese from his father,but check this out his mom(my grandmother) was a blonde hair blue eyed puerto 2000rican and his father looked full japanese but my father didnt inherit any of his dads genes,he came out blonde like his mom which is unusual for people who r half asian. I came out looking alot like my mom and a little like my dad,i have long black shiny straight asian hair like my mom,pale skin like her although it gets really tan in the summer,japanese accent like my mom and gramma,and my mmoms eyes,i have my dads lips though and his laugh but thats about it.people would think im a Eurasian or a exotic looking italian girl noone would think i am half puerto rican,my dad doesnt even look half japanese nor puerto rican he looks irish or mom looks japanese but u can tell she has italian features,i found out that in my moms side,we have chinese,and japanese ancestors from my grandmother and irish,italian,sicilian,welsh,and native american from my grandfaathers side my grandfathers dad was half italian so im like a teeny weeny my dad side we have japanese and malaysian ancestors from my grandfathers and irish,italian and swedish from my i dont have any puerto rican ancesotrs,my european ancestors just married puerto ricans but to be hinest i classify myself as a japanese girl

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

I think there is some eskimo ancestry in icelandic people, as is if you look as many african peoples. They have many of those asian features, minus the pale skin.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

I dated a guy who was Norwegien. I saw a pic of his dad and thought "That can't possibly be his real dad. He's Asian!" But a lot of Scandanavians DO have Asian looking eyes. It's from being so far up north (like the Eskimos)

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Well, she says it's because she has a streak of Irish in her ancestry- that explains the freckles and rather unusual complexion. A lot of Irish people as well look rather Eurasian. Another famous Eurasian looking celebrity who attributed her Asiatic features to Irish ancestry- Audrey Hepburn.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

her own quote

"When I was growing up, I always had the feeling I was dropped from somewhere else. That's how I was treated at school in Iceland where the kids used to call me "china girl" and everybody thought I was unusual because I looked Chinese."

if she was a typical 100% White Icelandic woman she wouldn't have been called "China girl".

Some people who have very distant mixed ancestry don't know about it. My mother didn't know she was mixed with Greek and Mongol until her late 20s when I kept asking her why her sister looks Asian and why great grandma looks kinda Asian and they still called themselves 100% White and Russian I just didn't get it, so we asked her grandmother (my great-grandmother) and she said that back then it wasn't a very big deal if you looked a little different especially if you lived in a small 'village' and most people refused to acknowledge Mongol blood because of the whole invasion thing and it was my great-great-mother who was part Mongol, while my great-grandma was half Greek (dad) & part Mongol/Russian (mom) i think i got it right. My grandma looks completely White though and so did our grandfather who was a mix of Russian (with distant Swedish ancestry). My mom looks Mediterranean White, and tans like crazy and gets darker than me and I'm half Black (African), but I came out very light skinned and kinda Asian looking like my VERY very veeeery distant Mongol ancestors.

i love me

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

A "typical" Icelander is what a "typical" Scandinavian or Germanic person would look like- tall, blonde, maybe light redhead, with rather large light blue or green eyes, and on the tall side. Bjork certainly does not fit the bill.

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Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

To be blunt, it's a result of inbreeding. Iceland is a remote and isolated country with a population of only 300,000, out of which 98% are natives descended from the first Norse settlers. Many Icelanders have features similar to hers.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

I wouldn't say her features are "typical" but her look does occur more often in nordic populations than in Latin/mediterranean ones. It isn't rare to think some nordic people look a bit "chinese" or are mixed, though it is by no means common in Iceland.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

I dunno, my great grandmother was a German native with a little bit of Russian in her, and she had very similar features to Bjrk - sort of almond shaped, small, almost Asian-looking eyes, and jet black hair when she was young (which turned white as she aged). She was on the shorter side as well - she was no more than 5'4" throughout her whole life, and she naturally lost height as she got older.

Bjrk definitely has odd features and CAN look very, very Asian at times, but it seems to depend a lot on her hair and makeup. Here's a picture of her as a child, and she definitely doesn't look like a typical Asian kid, to me at least: Very cute, though.

"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
- Andy Warhol

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Funny, seems like she's holding the same swan like she'd wore as a dress today.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Ha, i know! The picture was blurry though, I put a new one up there and she's actually holding flowers.

"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
- Andy Warhol

I think its her parents

Her father has dark exotic look to him and her mother has squinty eyes - combine these two factors and you will get an eskimo kid. Simple as that.

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Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Have you ever looked at a map of Iceland? Greenland, which was settled by Icelanders and is over 85% eskimo is off the coast of Iceland (they actually look closer to each other than Florida & Cuba are). Maybe some Greenlanders came to Iceland too.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

there was a central asian tribe that immigrated to finland many thousands years ago, so actually one of the early settlers in scandinavia was actually mongoloid race or mixed.. 1/3 finns today have epicanthus of various degree. they are of mongoloid race actually.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

The Finns are a Uralic group as are the Sami. Uralic groups are originally from Central Asia (between the Urals (hence the name) and the Altay mountains) and Scandinavians do seem to be in no small part descended from a Uralic group, or another related group. This may account for some of the unusual features in Proto-Germanic (which seems to be Indo-European on top of Non-Indo-European sub-strata).

Also (though I don't like to rely too much on genetics) the haplogroups Q, N, P are relatively common in Scandinavia from before the Viking Age (and was even more common in the past than it is now in Scandinavia) and the closest match the Scandinavian branch of R1a1a (a very large group in Scandinavia) has found close matches in the Altai peoples as well as many other Turko-Mongol groups that reside Northwestern China. Recent studies have also shown that Scandinavians are very close to Finno-Baltic and Baltic peoples, especially the Finns.

I think that many who make out as if Bjrk looks non-Scandinavia are only looking at superficial features such as hair and eye colour and probably wouldn't notice that she looks "mongoloid" (111cto use a term I dislike) if she were blond-haired and blue-eyed. Most Scandinavians have features such as "almond shaped eyes" (whether fully epicanthal or not, and many are) and "High cheekbones), "lower nose-bridges" et cetera which are seen in most "mongoloid" groups. Yes, many do mention these features about almost every famous Scandinavian on this site and others. So much so that I can't see it is surprising. And I can't see why some are singling out Bjrk just because of her hair and eye colour. She looks Scandinavian and yes Scandinavians look like other Northern Eurasian groups who are "mongoloid".

By the way I am partly Scandinavian myself on both paternal and maternal lines.

"Nothings gonna change my world!"

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Bjork looks Scandinavian, who do have a more ''oriental flavour'' to them. The singer September also looks a lot like a slimmer and younger Bjork, but she is usually blonde.


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Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

She looks Scandinavian and yes Scandinavians look like other Northern Eurasian groups who are "mongoloid".
You're way off.

Typical Scandinavian women:

They look nothing like China doll Bjork even if they had dark eyes and hair. I've seen some Europeans with somewhat Asian looking features, but not to the extent of Bjork.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

way back when, in the time of Genghis Khan, i believe, Mongolians invaded Iceland and raped and pillaged every woman they could.
so i believe the reason why some Icelanders, like my Uncle, look Asian is because of Mongolians.

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Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

To me she doesn't have any particular look, even when it comes to looking like herself. She's a chameleon. Sometimes she looks kind of Asian, sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes she looks as plain as they come, other times cute as a button but not sexy, and others when she's the sexiest woman on the planet.

When I see her in the "Pagan Poetry" video hair blowing, breasts naked, eyes shining and half-mad, clawing at herself and belting it out I think she's one of the most exquisite, eldritch, preternaturally beautiful creatures I've ever witnessed. She doesn't even seem human at that point. She seems like she crossed over from the fairy realm. Amazing.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

How beautiful! Thank you for writing that on this *beep* of racial arguments.

Ever since I got into Bjork's music when I was twelve (almost ten years ago now!) I've thought of her as this faerie godmother, almost. Like she could be a million years old and we'd never know the difference. She's beautiful, period, no matter what stock she comes from, and she brings beauty to this world through her music.

But just for the sake of argument, let's look at the facts:

1. She claims that her family is 100% 5b4Icelandic, but someone from somewhere had to settle on that island, so it stands to reason that there could be a good mix of people from the surrounding areas.

2. She's got naturally brown hair, freckles, hazel eyes, and pale skin. Her features are definitely more like those of an Asian person or a Finn than what we know as a "typical Icelander", but unless you've spent a great deal of time in Iceland, can you really say you know what a "typical Icelander" looks like?

3. NONE OF THIS MATTERS. None of it. Her looks have nothing to do with how incredibly talented she is.

Anyway There's my two cents.

Re: Why d
oes she look asian/eskimo?

She's chinese.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

And she looks nothing like her parents. Just like Miranda Kerr.
Miranda Kerr's parents are chubby with blonde hairs.
Not skinny with dark brown nor black hairs like their daughter.

I can only think of genetic cloning as the Answer to these mysteries.
or Stealing someone's child. which happens more often than you imagine.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

Miranda Kerr barely looks Asian.

By the way, I am Panamanian. With Spaniard / Amerindian ancestry.

In here, people with Asiatic features are rare, unless they come from China. But I have Asiatic features.

Re: Why does she look asian/eskimo?

thought she was half white half asian

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners