Buffy the Vampire Slayer : Buffy and Angel TV shows
Re: Buffy and Angel TV shows
Thanks for this. Watching for the first time now. I avoided it at the time because of title. Not what I expected at all. Production values and pacing very good.
Re: Buffy and Angel TV shows
I'll post some thoughts too.
Season 1- charming beginning season with a handful of classic episodes. This almost feels like a different show but I cherish it's more younger feel. prophecy girl is a top notch finale.
Season 2- a perfect season of television.A Couple of clunker episodes but it has my favorite mix of romance and teen angst.
Season 3- I love Faith. The show sort of hits an apex with this season and does everything right.
Season 4- Super lame villains but it has some extraordinary episodes and serves as a good transition season. This season was kind of all over the place.
Season 5- a successful trek into more adult material. The best of the latter Buffy seasons. I think Dawn is a fine addition.
Season 6- a brave but killjoy season. Sarah does some of her best and understated work as depressed Buffy. I hate that xander left Anya at the altar. Felt forced.
Season 7- sets up some amazing promises in the early episodes that it doesn't quite deliver in. The season hits a major lull mid season but comes back full force with Get It Done. Spike was overused and I loved seeing Faith and Angel back. Andrew grew on me. I don't mind Kennedy but I could live without her.
Season 1- charming beginning season with a handful of classic episodes. This almost feels like a different show but I cherish it's more younger feel. prophecy girl is a top notch finale.
Season 2- a perfect season of television.A Couple of clunker episodes but it has my favorite mix of romance and teen angst.
Season 3- I love Faith. The show sort of hits an apex with this season and does everything right.
Season 4- Super lame villains but it has some extraordinary episodes and serves as a good transition season. This season was kind of all over the place.
Season 5- a successful trek into more adult material. The best of the latter Buffy seasons. I think Dawn is a fine addition.
Season 6- a brave but killjoy season. Sarah does some of her best and understated work as depressed Buffy. I hate that xander left Anya at the altar. Felt forced.
Season 7- sets up some amazing promises in the early episodes that it doesn't quite deliver in. The season hits a major lull mid season but comes back full force with Get It Done. Spike was overused and I loved seeing Faith and Angel back. Andrew grew on me. I don't mind Kennedy but I could live without her.
Buffy and Angel TV shows
Season 1: Nice season with some very good episodes
Season 2: Excellent season and of course Angelus, Spike and Drusilla
Season 3: One of the best seasons ever on TV ie Faith, Wesley, Major and of course Snyder Well for me anyway
Season 4: Up and down season, but still very good with my favourite Buffy Episode: Hush
Season 5: Up and down season again but enjoyed the season
Season 6: Worse season, it was like the whole season was a comedy with the buffy characters in it. The only good thing about the season is when Willow became the b-t-h from Hell. Buffy and Spike Joss Whedon worse ever mistake. The trio worse villain ever
Season 7: I loved the last season
Season 1: Great opening season and with 22 episodes introduce Gunn and Kate Wesley join the main cast.
Season 2: Brilliant season - all I will say is DARLA introduce Lorne and Fred
Season 3: One of the best season ever on TV Darla and Holtz Well for me anyway
Season 4: Great season with the Beast and of course Angelus and Faith, but what happen when jasmine turns up Angel begins to fade as a show
Season 5: Enjoyed it the 2nd time I saw it on DVD The first time I stopped watching the show and wasnt surprised when I heard it was cancelled Joss Whedon second bad idea Angel and Co. take over Wolfram & Hart.
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