Dear White People : Dear Black People

Dear Black People

If you do not like white people, there is a whole continent out there that is yours for the taking. Even better, it has almost no white people and is fully controlled by black power. I'm not saying you should leave, but this whole race *beep* is getting boring.

Re: Dear Black People

This is why IMDb is shutting down its message boards

Re: Dear Black People

IMDB is shutting down its message boards because the left is tired of white people refusing to get trampled on. We will continue to speak out, IMDB meessage boards and anywhere else our voices will be heard. Want us to stop? Stop being racist against white people.

Re: Dear Black People

Awwwwww you poor delicate little snowflake!

Re: Dear Black People

Ironically enough, most of the people having a cry over this show are the same people that regularly whine about triggered snowflakes being offended by everything.

Re: Dear Black People

Because those triggered snowflakes rarely have a valid point or argument, simply crying for the sake of it because everything is offensive to them.

No wonder Trump won, white's are sick of being told they're racists & bigots simply for having a different opinion, whilst blacks are free to get away with utter *beep* like this. An entire *beep* TV show being racist towards whites that will air on one of the most popular platforms on the planet.

Re: Dear Black People

And this is why I don't listen to dumb, barely educated trash who don't know what they're talking about. If you maybe shut the f * * k up for ninety minutes and saw the actual movie the show is based on - and is done by the same people - you would actually know the source material satirizes both white AND black culture pretty brutally and mercilessly.

Re: Dear Black People

"dumb, barely educated trash" point proven. You lefty morons will never learn.

Name of the show - Dear White People.

The only thing that is displayed in the trailer - racism towards whites.

The fact of the matter is, if the roles were reversed there would be worldwide outrage, in fact Netflix would have never green-lighted this garbage.

Re: Dear Black People

Trump won because the EC system is outdated and the democrats had a terrible candidate.
Go back to making rape jokes on other boards instead of getting your feelings hurt by a comedy show about racism.

Re: Dear Black People

No. The EC isn't outdated. It's like the World Series. It's not about how many runs you score, it's about winning the games. Meaning, you could score 100 runs it game one. Then nothing for the remainder. The opposing team can score 1 run per game, and they will win. SIMPLE. The USA is NOT one big nation. We are a nation of STATES. Look a how many districts he won. Look at the electoral map. She won very few states. Not even 20. You want that? The system was setup this way for this reason. If everyone in CA, and NY voted for a candidate, but none of the other states did, that candidate would win. The candidates would only campaign in NYC, L.A. and SF. That's it. No one else would ever see the POTUS or Nominees.
It would be tyranny.

Re: Dear Black People

Oh, yeah, you whites really have valid points. "SOMEONE SAID WHITE! THAT'S OUR WORD!" Dear white people, stop being so sensitive!

Re: Dear Black People

The left are brilliant at taking their weaknesses and projecting them. They bitch and complain about minutae and unreasonable garbage and get called on it in their safe space culture. They then attack every valid complaint anyone else makes as being triggered.


But also, a bad faith argument.

"Dear black people" would not exist, ergo; argument valid. Arguments in themselves that reason without emotional bias, should not be called triggered, but Imma bet you're not gonna stop misusing the neologism anytime soon.

Re: Dear Black People

*five second fart noise*

Re: Dear Black People

Typical liberal immaturity. Time to grow up kid

Re: Dear Black People

There's a difference between getting offended by people not using 30 gender pronouns than getting offended by a racist tv show, jut saying. They're called sjws because their causes are absurd, not because they get offended.

Re: Dear Black People

excellent. SUPPORT racism.

Re: Dear Black People

We will continue to speak out and we will continue to downvote the living crap out of racist tv shows like this one.

Re: Dear Black People

Lmbo I saw this coming. White people getting butt hurt over a show!

Re: Dear Black People

not butthurt just sick of beeing called racist, when white people ended slavery, when no other nation did, and while even today blacks and brown skinned people still practice it (not that skin color matters, but it seams for leftist skin color is all that matters, and grouping ppl based on their physical features).

also white people created the western society , capitalism that gives u food on ur table, tehnology , capitalism doubled the life spam of people, not other things.

so yeah, white people are getting sick of called racist by actual racist people.

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Re: Dear Black People

Yep, Africa is a perfect example of what blacks can achieve without white people getting in the way, take Zimbabwe, killer murder kick out all the white folks resultKa-trillion dollar notes how cool is that?

Re: Dear Black People

Its funny how upset people get over a show without having seen a single episode, especially given how the show is about racial discrimination. White people feeling like they are getting "trampled" is almost laughable. IMDB shutting down their boards is a good idea.

Re: Dear Black People

Yes, IMDB shutting down their forums is a good idea. Because they suck! They havent even added a like button. There has been plenty of comments I want to upvote and downvote.

Also when people reply we get no message. We have to go back and check if people replied.

If I reply to a persons comment I will most likley end up at the end of the thread.

Re: Dear Black People

"racial discrimination"

There was a time not too long ago when every other black guy I saw was with a white girl. In fact, until just the last couple of years I rarely saw a black guy with a black woman. Hmmmmm.

Black whining has reached its nadir. When I was a little kid in the '80s and real, widespread racism was still a thing, what black shows were out there?
The Cosby Show, A Different World.. I even watched "What's Happening" repeats. None of them had this aggressive whining tone.

"Dear White People" the tone of that wording has such an edge that it might as well be "Dear Crackers."

Re: Dear Black People

lol nobody gets offended by "cracker". Grow some balls!!!!

Re: Dear Black People

You're not allowed to decide what is "offensive" to people.
And just because it is offensive doesn't mean that I want it to get removed.
I would prefer "Dear Crackers." It's much more honest.

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Re: Dear Black People

Awww poor baby. :(