Mr. Sardonicus : Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

Wouldn't that be a better title?

Re: Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

For years I thought it was Dr. Sardonicus.

Great Hotel. Really convenient to the mouth of Hell.- MST3K.

Re: Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

Dr Sardonicus was the name of an excellent Spirit album.

Re: Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

Yes, but Sardonicus was the name of the Ray Russell story on which it was based.

Re: Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

Nah I think Mr. Sardonicus is more of a dramatic title for a film than Baron Sardonicus.

Re: Why wasn't it called 'Baron Sardonicus'?

Because he only bought his barony. The elitist title is slighting him.