Days of Our Lives : Greg Vaugh

Greg Vaugh

Greg must have gotten a part on Vikings! Uder Ironleg! Shield wall!

Re: Greg Vaugh

Eric looks like he went to Eduardo's school of bad hair cuts. I suppose he's a hardened ex-con now who's bad to the bone after spending like 5 minutes in jail.


Re: Greg Vaugh

Eric looks like he went to Eduardo's school of bad hair cuts.

Haha, at least he doesn't look like he has a rat on his face, like Eduardo.

Re: Greg Vaugh

I didn't recognizee him at first. I think he looks much better now. Much better.

Re: Greg Vaugh

He looked this exact same way in Queen Sugar. Ironically he played a cop.The opposite of his character on Days.

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Re: Greg Vaugh

Yes, he looks silly. I didn't know it was him.

An intellectual carrot , the mind boggles