Religion, Faith, and Spirituality : OT: The Roundup Has Begun

Re: OT: The Roundup Has Begun

The previous administration deported more illegal immigrants than any other in US history.

Where was the outrage as Obama deported 2,500,000 people?

they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Re: OT: The Roundup Has Begun

Where was the outrage as Obama deported 2,500,000 people?

You make it sound like you think there wasn't any.

Liberals outraged by Obama's deportation plan

Re: OT: The Roundup Has Begun

Yeah, that is almost exactly the same as the hysteria surrounding the current POTUS, both those links are for the same bunch of raids, I doubt they got all 2,500,000 in those.

Where were the claims of bigotry and racism? Where was the social media virtue signalling?

they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Re: OT: The Roundup Has Begun

Where were the claims of bigotry and racism? Where was the social media virtue signalling?

Didn't you hear? Only a certain skin color makes you racist by default.

Re: OT: The Roundup Has Begun

Immigration agents scoop up immigrant Dreamer in Seattle sweep

U.S. authorities have arrested an immigrant from Mexico who was brought to the United States illegally as a child and later given a work permit during the Obama administration in what could be the first detention of its kind under President