Rosemary & Thyme : why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

I don't remember the name of the episode already in which a priest proposed to Laura. Why on earth did she say no?? I mean, really, what are her chances romantically in general? And the man was all-around great!

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

It was Anthony Andrews' character, Richard Oakley, a prep school Classics master, who proposed to Laura at the end of the episode "The Invisible Worm" (Series 2, Episode 4). She didn't accept because (a) she had recently come out of an unhappy marriage with a philandering husband and has probably sworn off men, at least for a while; and (b) not everyone wants or needs to jump into a relationship with any old decent man who offers, whatever their "chances romantically" are!

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

I am sorry, to me that sounds analogous to not picking up one's lottery winnings because they just aren't that materialistic. eyes.gif

I mean, let's face it - a woman that unattractive can easily go the rest of her life without "winning".

I wouldn't be concerned about Rosemary, but Laura could have a man like that interested in her only because it was in the script.

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Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

So, having a man equals "winning"? A woman without a "plus one" is a "loser", then? Hello, wake up, this is the 21st century. Women can be very happy without a male companion. News to you, probably.
Your postings show ridiculously outdated, macho opinions.

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

I thought Laura was pretty when she'd put on some makeup, but they made her go plain and wear shlubby clothes compared to Rosemary. Plus, her personality was fun. I'd rather hang out with Laura.


Perfect Love casts out all fear.

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Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

Both women in the series were very attractive and certainly did not need to settle where any man was concerned. Laura is not ugly at all and so I really do not understand why anyone would claim she is.

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

"Very attractive"?? Harry Potter's ballooning aunt was very attractive?
I gotta say, I do wonder what you think very attractive means. uhoh.gif

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

"Attractive" means what I say it means because my opinion is my own as yours is YOUR OWN. Laura's 'attractiveness" to YOU is as real as Laura's "attractiveness" is to me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and while you behold ugliness in this woman I behold a natural beauty that stands on its own merit.

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

I quite liked him, but I understand Laura's hesitation, having just come out of a bad marriage. Shame really, would have been nice to see more of Anthony Andrews on the show. ;)

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

She certainly should have married Richard! He would have made her delightfully happy, as she would have made him. Plus, it would have given me more of my beloved Anthony Andrews! ;)

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

I agree with everyone that said a woman does NOT necessarily "need" or "want" a man and many are perfectly happy without one. In fact, the only happy ones I know aren't married. The reality is NOBODY needs to do anything they aren't comfortable with doing regardless of social pressure that dictates otherwise. This is the reason the child abuse/neglect rate, divorce rates and suicide rates are so high. People conform to these "standards" thinking it's what they are "supposed to do" and realize years later that they are just miserable, day in and day out.

Laura is not unattractive and not being a beauty queen doesn't mean a woman has to jump at ANY man willing to give her a second glance. Nobody harped about Clooney never marrying but "confirmed bachelorettes" are constantly labelled negatively - "spinster" and "sad" and "unfortunate" and it's ridiculous. Let people (and characters) live their lives the way they sit fit. Everyone should be afforded that basic right.

Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

Just curious: what is it that you think is attractive to a man's eyes?

Re: why didn't Laura accept the proposal?

My answer to that is irrelevant. There is no UNIVERSAL ONE standard of "beauty" and different men are attracted to different things.

Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)