Hellgate : Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

Not even a one, and i love bad movies. this wasn't bad thus becoming fun it was just like you guys didn't even try. and on the box they try to appeal to people with from the speacial effects crue of hellraiser and hellbound.the speacail fx sucked as well with a giant evil goldfish that is reminsent of a Saturday morning Goosebump episode, I wish this movie never existed and that I hadn't wasted a Monday back in January watching this because it was on a double feature with The Pit that also wasn't very good. But I Digress. This movie is unwatchable even if you are like me and a discount bin video watcher. To The Screen writer of Hellgate, you are just ignorant. Did anyone who was involved in the making of this film stop and think for a momenthey maybe we shouldn't. I guess not and that's why were stuck with this atrocity of celluloid. Not Entertaining, Not So Bad it's funny, It's just a negative digit that resides in hell. Aviod at all costs and one again to the makers of this film I hope you had a real good laugh cause I sure didn't and I'd like my money back.


Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

It's a bad film, yes, but there are movies much, much worse than Hellgate. I gave it a 4 out of 10. I found it mildly entertaining but there is a lot of drudgery here as well. Watch The Chooper, Lunch Meat, The Meateater, or any movie directed by Andy Milligan. If you haven't seen any of those than you have a lot to learn about the art of "so bad it's just bad."

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.

Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

Yes, the special effects sucked. But then the 'same special effects masters as Hellraiser and Hellbound' claim was a out-and-out lie. I rented the vid lured by the promise of similar achievements. That was over 20 years ago, and Hellgate remains to this day the only film I've ever halted after 20 minutes and returned to the shop.

For the record, here are the special/visual effects credits for Hellraiser:

Special Effects by
Cliff Wallace . special makeup effects technician
Dave Chagouri . special effects technician (uncredited)
Visual Effects by
Dick Dimbleby . optical printer
Don Lee . digital compositor
Peter Swinson . optical printer
Peter Watson . optical supervisor
Nick Xypnitos . animator
Clive Barker . animator (uncredited)

And for Hellbound:

Special Effects by
Jesse E. Johnson . special effects assistant
Graham Longhurst . special effects supervisor
Ian Brown . prosthetic makeup (uncredited)
Visual Effects by
Dennis Bartlett . travelling matte supervisor
Cliff Culley . optical effects supervisor
Neil Culley . matte camera operator

And now for Hellgate:

Special Effects by
Carol Anne Beresford . special effects assistant
Lawrence Ginsberg . special effects
Allen Hedgecock . special effects
Glyn McKay . special effects
Gavin Starkey . special effects assistant
Glen Starkey . special effects assistant
(Visual effects not credited)

See any common credits there? No, me neither.

Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

I actually liked the special effects.

The movie wasn't that bad. I think too much time was spent @ Josie's house, though.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

by jimb14red Sun Mar 3 2013 09:09:12 Flag | Reply |
IMDb member since June 2004
Post Edited: Sun Mar 3 2013 09:10:34
One of the most ridiculous posts I have ever seen on IMDb. Sure the movie sucked but calm down it isn't that bad and I would hardly call someone sadistic for making a bad movie. Also the fact you said The Pit wasn't a very good movie either makes me want to rate you below a 1.

I liked the movie's special effects, but I disliked the plot for the most part. The WORST movie ever, though, is Midnight Matinee.

That was the WORST & MOST BORING movie, I ever saw!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

by chud87 Wed Apr 14 2010 23:34:10 Flag | Reply |
IMDb member since October 2003

Not even a one, and i love bad movies. this wasn't bad thus becoming fun it was just like you guys didn't even try. and on the box they try to appeal to people with from the speacial effects crue of hellraiser and hellbound.the speacail fx sucked as well with a giant evil goldfish that is reminsent of a Saturday morning Goosebump episode, I wish this movie never existed and that I hadn't wasted a Monday back in January watching this because it was on a double feature with The Pit that also wasn't very good. But I Digress. This movie is unwatchable even if you are like me and a discount bin video watcher. To The Screen writer of Hellgate, you are just ignorant. Did anyone who was involved in the making of this film stop and think for a momenthey maybe we shouldn't. I guess not and that's why were stuck with this atrocity of celluloid. Not Entertaining, Not So Bad it's funny, It's just a negative digit that resides in hell. Aviod at all costs and one again to the makers of this film I hope you had a real good laugh cause I sure didn't and I'd like my money back

I disagree the WORST movie ever is hands down is MIDNIGHT MATINEE. That movie was boring. No special effects. Just a very boring & odd plot.

Have you ever seen it?

Re: Hellgate, I think, the special effects were actually neat & how the ghosts appeared out of nowhere, but the plot itself was definitely lackluster & boring. They spent too much time in the ghost town.

Near the end of the movie there were some funny lines.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

Absolutely disagree. Of course it's terrible but I find it sidesplittingly funny from beginning to end. The casting, the effects, the plot, the acting, the dialogue Just hilarious on every level.

Re: Sadistic People Made this 'film' Avoid Avoid

Another asshole telling people what they should and shouldn't watch. Fuck you, you goddamn prick! Plus you'll never get either your time or money back, so stop being such a whiny bitch.

Woody Anders is the birthday man/ Hey Laddy Laddy La / He does it because it's his jam/ Hey Laddy Laddy Lo